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After showering and getting ready, Matty and I left for Jo's. Matty eyed me up and down, biting his lip, taking in the skin tight black dress I was wearing. I smirked at him. He smacked my ass on the way out the door. I yelped and he chuckled.

I still wasn't sure if Matty realised that Jake would be there.
I bit my lip nervously and Matty noticed. His hand slipped into mine.
"What's wrong, babe?" He asked, his forehead creasing with concern.
"It's nothing." I said.
Matty rolled his eyes. "Nikki." I warned.
"I-I just don't want you to freak out tonight." I blurted.
"Why would I freak out?" He asked, looking a little nervous.
"Jake's going to be there." I said quietly, looking down at the floor of the elevator.
Matty's jaw tensed and his eyes went stony. His grip tightened on my hand subconsciously.
"Please don't do anything tonight, Matty." I pleaded.
He clenched his jaw again, looking conflicted and angry. His tone was dangerous. "If he tries anything-"
"He won't," I interrupted him, putting a hand on his chest. "I won't let him, okay? I'm yours, and yours only." I reassured Matty.
Matty nodded and groaned, squeezing my ass and pressing me up against the wall of the elevator. He started pressing kisses to my neck, moaning against my skin.
I laughed softly. "Matty."
The elevator doors dinged open. I broke away from him and dragged him by the hand towards Jo's apartment.
"He hasn't said anything to you since what happened, has he?" Matty asked.
I shook my head. "He's avoided me. It'll probably be really awkward between us." I grimaced.
I could see Matty hiding a smirk. He wanted exactly that - he didn't want Jake to even look at me, I knew it. He got jealous so easily.

I took a deep breath and knocked on Jo's door. Jo swung the door opened with a wide grin.
"Hey!" He greeted us.
"Hi, Jo." I smiled at her. Jo enveloped me in a hug and ushered me inside. She hugged Matty hello quickly.
"Jake, they're here." Jo called from the kitchen. Matty and I followed Jo to stand in the kitchen. Matty's hand tightened around mine.
I saw Jake hoist himself up from the couch, a beer in his hand.
"Hi." He said awkwardly from the lounge room, keeping distance between us.
"Hi." I replied. He walked towards me and we hugged awkwardly. I felt Matty's entire body stiffen next to me. I broke apart from Jake and coughed awkwardly, running a hand through my hair. 
"Jake, this is Matty." I introduced the two in a small voice.
Matty shook Jake's hand reluctantly, his eyes dark and intense.
"Uh - well - right. I've just got some stuff in the oven - Nikki, can you come help?" Jo asked.
"Gladly." I said, following her to the kitchen hastily.

~ Matty ~

I watched Nikki walk into the kitchen and groaned quietly. I rocked on my heels and glanced at Jake. He was a few inches taller than me, but he was younger than me.
He tried to kiss Nikki. He tried to kiss Nikki. He tried to kiss Nikki.
"So you're in medical?" I asked politely, ignoring the jealous thoughts whirling around my head. I knew Nikki didn't want me to freak out.
"Law, actually," He corrected me. "You're in a band, right?" He asked.
I smiled. "Yeah. Just got back from our American tour." I said curtly. He nodded.
"So are you and Nikki close?" I pried.
Jakes eyes went wide for a second and he tried to cover it up. "No. Not really. How long have you and Nikki been together?" Jake tried to change the subject.
"Nearly two years." I stated.

I wanted to ask why he tried to kiss my girlfriend, but I knew it'd cause drama.
I wanted to give him a black eye, but I knew it'd cause drama.

~ Nikki ~

"Tension between those two, huh?" Jo asked, poking at the lamb roast that was in the oven.
I was getting plates and glasses ready. "Yeah. I'm sorry." I apologised, biting my lip.
"No need for you to say sorry, Nikki. Jake's a good boy, but he tried to kiss you. He knew you had a boyfriend." Jo replied.
I nodded and sighed.

"Ready?" Jo asked, holding the tray in her hands.
I nodded.
I followed her out into the dining room with plates and glasses in my arms. I saw Matty standing, gripping the edge of the dining room table with one hand, his jaw clenched. I looked at him apologetically, I knew I shouldn't have left him and Jake alone.
"Sit. Let's eat." Jo grinned.

Matty and I sat side by side, his hand on my thigh.
We ate in mostly tense and awkward silence.
"So, Matty, how was the tour?" Jo asked with a smile. I was so grateful that she broke the quietness that had stretched in for what felt like years.
"It was great. Thousands of screaming girls. Missed her like hell though." He laughed, gesturing to me. I smiled and hid my head in my hands, blushing. Matty leaned over to kiss my cheek, laughing softly. I saw Jake hang his head and stare at his food.

After dinner, everyone was sitting in the lounge room drinking. Matty got up to go to the bathroom and Jo was in the kitchen, leaving Jake and I alone. We were sitting on the couch, not talking.

~ Matty ~

I was so reluctant to leave Nikki alone with him. Given that last time they were alone, he tried to kiss her. A part of me wondered if she wanted that. Him.
Did she want him?
Did she even need me?
I knew I wasn't giving her what she wanted. She wanted to get married and have kids and settle down. Eventually, anyway. I wasn't sure if I wanted that. I loved Nikki, but I wasn't sure if I was what she needed. Or what she wanted.

After I was finished in the bathroom, I stood at the doorway to the lounge room and listened. I wasn't sure what I was waiting for. I could see Nikki sitting at one end of the couch and Jake on the other. I saw Jake glance at Nikki every few seconds.
"You look good." Jake said to her with a smile. I hated that he looked at her like that.
"Thanks. You do too." Nikki laughed, flicking her hair off her shoulder.
A few seconds of silence ticked by.
"Nikki - I-I really like you," Jake said, turning to face her.
I felt every muscle in my body tense.
"Jake," Nikki said quietly, shaking her head a little bit.
"No. Listen. I really like you, Nikki. And I know you're in love with Matty. But he - he's not worth it. You deserve so much more than him. You deserve someone that doesn't make you feel like shit all the time."
I felt a pang in my chest. My jaw clenched.
Did I make her feel like shit?
Was I that bad of a boyfriend?
"Jake." Nikki said, louder this time.
"Nikki, I -" Jake said, leaning in closer to her...
"Stop," Nikki said, putting a hand on his chest. "Stop, Jake. I have a boyfriend. You need to stop." Nikki said, her voice getting more and more stressed.
"Yeah. You really do." I said, stepping in.

~ Nikki ~

My heart stopped for a second a Matty stepped in, his eyes cold and dark. Dangerous.
Jakes eyes widened. "Hey, sorry, man, I just-"
"I don't care," Matty said harshly, waving his hand dismissively at Jake. "But she's got a boyfriend, man. She said stop. You need to stop." Matty warned.
Jake's head hung low and he didn't say any more.
"Matty," I said helplessly, not wanting a fight. I stood up to stand at his side, my hands around his forearm.
"I know. Can we go?" Matty asked, looking down at me and squeezing his arm around my waist. I nodded.

After saying goodbye to Jo, and walking coldly past Jake, Matty ushered me out the door, holding my hand. I mumbled a goodbye to Jake and he mumbled one back, looking disappointed.

Matty and I walked together to the elevator.
"Thank you for not causing a scene." I said quietly, leaning my head against his shoulder.
"I'm sorry baby." He said, placing a kissing my forehead.
"For what?" I asked, frowning.
"For not being what you need. I don't deserve you. You're too good for me. I'm sorry." He said, his words pouring out of him.
"Hey - listen," I said, grabbing his face in my hands and forcing him to look at me. "I love you."
"I love you too." He said, our lips colliding.

(A/N: I love you guys, pls comment yo)

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