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(A/N: Smut warning again lmao - I'm sorry but that's kinda a huge part of the story. Please tell me what you think guys! x)

I woke up with Matty wrapped around me. His arms and legs enveloped me, warm and soft against my bare skin. He snored softly, his face was soft and held no emotion. When he was like this he looked so innocent, pure. His hair sprawled over his face and the pillow he rested on. The only sound heard in the apartment was the pouring rain battering against the windows outside. I'd always loved the rain.

I tried not to move. He looked so tired. I settled in next to him and let my eyes flutter shut, comforted by the thought that he had the day off today and didn't need to go anywhere.
Then my phone buzzed from on the floor. It had been discarded on the ground last night. Matty frowned and stirred in his sleep and pulled me closer to him, his cheek brushing against my shoulder.
"Matty, I have to check my phone." I laughed softly.
"No you don't. Stay here." He whispered in his groggy morning voice.
I sighed and sank back into the warm white sheets, and into Matty's arms.
A soft sliver of a smile fell onto his lips and I kissed his nose. He smiled wider this time. He peeked one eye open. The room was dark and all I could hear was the rain and heartbeats. I smiled. He nuzzled his face to my chest, laying soft kisses on my chest and shoulders. I laughed softly.
"I love it when you laugh." He mumbled against my skin.
"I love you." I whispered.

"Do you have to work today?" Matty asked quietly.
"I don't know. I have to check my phone." I laughed, breaking away from his arms to crawl and check my phone. It was cold.

10:19am - Jo: Hey I'm wrecked & hung over after last night. Day off today. We could get coffee later if you want?

I bit my lip and glanced over at Matty. Tangled and tousled, smiling at me. I didn't want to leave. He didn't have days off that often...

10:20am - Me: Okay cool (I'm tired too). Can't make it for coffee though, sorry x

10:21am - Jo: Ok, all good xx

I had other plans.

I smiled and crawled back into bed with Matty.
"No work?" He asked, opening his arms.
"No," I replied, leaning up to kiss his lips. His arms wrapped around my own and kissed me back, soft and eager at the same time.

Rainy days were his favourite because we were trapped in an empty apartment with nothing but each other and mattress.

"Breakfast?" I asked.
"Later." He whispered hoarsely, grabbing my face between his hands and kissing me. I grinned. I loved everything about this moment; Morning sex.  Cold sheets. Matty's hands. The sound of the rain echoing through our apartment. Laying together. Falling in and out of sleep, wrapped around each other.

We laid there for an hour, side by side, kissing and whispering even though there was no one else to hear us. His arms were draped over my stomach and his hands squeezed my thighs and his eyes were latched to mine.
"Tell me what you were thinking when you asked me to be your girlfriend." I smiled.
"I was so nervous but I loved you so much." He said, kissing my fingertips one by one. I grinned.
"What's your favourite thing about me?" Matty asked me.
"Physical feature or you as a person?" I asked.
"Your eyes. And the way you speak." I said. Matty grinned to himself.
"What's your favourite things about me?" I asked.
"Your face. And the way you fall asleep." He said quietly.
We fell asleep for another half an hour.

After we woke up, tangled with each other and yawning, Matty spoke.
"Breakfast?" He asked.
"Yeah." I smiled, nuzzling my cheek against his chest.
"Pancakes?" He whispered.
"Yeah." I smiled.

I followed him out to the kitchen, wrapping myself in a blanket to keep warm. It was still pouring outside. Matty started cooking the pancakes. I could cook, but Matty could always cook better. I hoisted myself up to sit on the countertop. It was cold underneath me, and goosebumps prickled over my legs. Matty bit his lip as he glanced at me. I smiled. While the first few pancakes cooked, Matty stood in front of me. His hands gripped my thighs and pushed them apart so he could stand with his hips between them.
"I love you." He whispered, kissing me. His lips left new marks on my neck, just when the old ones were starting to go away. He sucked on my neck, and I smiled and squirmed under his touch. His hands trailed down to my hips and his fingers traced my underwear...
"Matty, the pancakes are going to burn," I whispered with a laugh.
Matty sighed heavily against my neck. I laughed as he moped back to the stove and flipped the pancakes out of the pan.

We sat down at the table next to each other and ate.
"It's a shame it's your day off and it's raining." I said.
"No it's not. We can do plenty here." Matty smirked.
"Yeah, but we could've gone out." I pouted.
"I'll have plenty of days off later, babe. But it's just you and I today." He grinned.
I smiled. We finished our pancakes, talking about Matty's music and my painting.
We talked while we did the dishes. After we were done, I sat up on the counter again and Matty stood between my legs.

"So what's the 'plenty' we can do here?" I asked with a smirk.
"We can start with this." Matty said, his fingers trailing over the fabric of my underwear. I bit my lip. I could feel myself getting wetter and wetter under his touch. I was hopeless with him touching me.
"Then what?" I whispered, playing along.
"We can do this," He said, carrying me to the bedroom. He placed me down on the bed and I sat propped up against the pillows. He licked a trail down my stomach, stopping at my hips. "And then this," Matty said, pulling my underwear down my legs. "Then this." He said. In a swift motion he pushed my thighs apart and licked a stripe through me. My eyes rolled back in my head and my head fell to the pillows.
Within a few seconds I was moaning and screaming his name. He knew what to do to me, in the right spots.
His tongue worked on my clit, gentle but rough at the same time. I grabbed fistfuls of his hair, my hips bucking. His calloused hands pushed my hips down, so I was pinned to the bed in a moaning heap before him.
"I - M-Matty." I stuttered and moaned, feeling my legs shaking.
"Do you want me to stop?" He asked.
"No!" I screamed.
Matty smirked and continued his work. I tugged at Matty's hair, and his moans vibrated through me.
"Matty," I moaned. "I-I'm gonna -" Before I could finish my sentence, I had climaxed. Matty grinned and licked his lips, crawling up to kiss me.
"Aren't you sick of me?" I asked quietly.
"Never." He said.
I smiled, kissed his lips, then pulled down his boxers.
I loved him so much, I wanted him to feel as good as he ever had. I took him in my mouth, completely. He groaned, grabbing fistfuls of my hair and pushing my head down further.
"Nikki," Matty moaned quietly.
This only encouraged me. I pushed him deeper in my mouth, until I nearly gagged. My eyes watered. Then I started bobbing my head. I could feel him getting close to coming, his breaths getting shallower and his head tipped back.
"Fuck," Matty swore. "Fuck, fuck, fuck!" He came soon after.
I grinned at him. "Rainy days still your favourite?" I asked.
He nodded, staring at me in awe.
"What?" I asked, blushing.
"You. You're so beautiful." He said. His dark eyes stared through me. Matty grabbed the back of my neck and pulled me onto him, my knees either side of his hips.
"I love you." I said.
"I love you more." He whispered, pushing me down onto the bed.
After rolling a condom onto himself, Matty thrusted into me. We moaned together and our hips found a rhythm. He thrusted and moaned, and I kissed his neck.
"N-Nikki." He moaned.
"Not yet. Just wait." I pleaded. He nodded and bit his lip. He waited for me to catch up, and we climaxed together. We collapsed onto the mattress side by side. Matty laughed breathily and kissed my forehead. I leaned up to kiss his lips. Matty rolled a joint and we smoked for an hour, passing it back and forth and mumbling to each other. Matty taught me how to blow smoke rings into the air, laughing at my mistakes. We grinned and laughed and kissed and touched and smoked before falling into a haze of sleep once again.

(A/N: Sorry if it takes a little while to update - my wifi's crappy af rn)

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