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Matty and I drank and danced and laughed and chatted to people for a good hour. Tonight had been really nice, getting out of the house.
"Oh, George! Yo!" Matty yelled, spotting his tall band mate.
"Hey, mate. Hey Nikki." George smiled, hugging me.
"Thanks for getting us in." I yelled over the bass-heavy music.
George grinned. "No problem. Me and Charlie are tight." He laughed.

"I'm gonna go get another drink. You want anything?" Matty asked.
I shook my head.
"Okay. Don't run away." Matty grinned, smacking my ass as he walked to the bar.
"So have you seen her yet?" George asked.
"Seen who?" I questioned, confused.
"Matty's ex girlfriend. She's here tonight with all her model friends." George asked, licking his lips. I rolled my eyes.
"So?" I asked, trying to mask my jealousy.
"Nothing. Just thought you'd want to know. I'm glad you're not being weird about it." George said.
"Yeah." I said quietly. I looked around me, but couldn't see Matty. I felt a dull panic in my stomach.
"Hey!" I heard from behind me. I whipped around to see two of my best friends, Holly and Danni.
I grinned at them. "Hey!"
"Where's the other half? You guys are prexy ovals conjoined at the hip." Danni laughed.
"Matty's getting another drink." I said with a laugh.
"Is that George?" Holly asked close to my ear.
I laughed. "Yeah."
"Holy shit, he's hot!" Holly laughed.
"Oh, George. This is Holly and Danni." I said, introducing them all.
They all started chatting, Holly laughing and flicking her hair over her shoulder.
I left them to chat and decided to go and find Matty. He'd been gone a little while.
I found him sitting in a booth with four beautiful girls, his arm slung around them and laughing loudly.
"Matty?" I asked.
"Hey, Nikki!" Matty slurred.
"Oh. Is this Nikki?" The blonde girl closest to Matty asked with a fake smile.
"Yeah. Nice to meet you." I smiled back at her.
"Yeah. Pleasure." She smiled tightly. She's a charmer, I thought.
"So, Matty, tell us more about the band." One girl said, turning away from me. Matty launched into conversation, making intense eye contact with the gorgeous girls around him.
My jaw dropped. I was left to stand there, embarrassed and alone. It was as if Matty hadn't even noticed (or cared) that I was there.
"I'm leaving." I stated, holding my head up as I left the club. I heard distant laughter from the table of girls and Matty.
I held back tears until I was a block from the apartment. I sobbed and pulled out my phone, knowing I probably looked like a mess.

1:24am - Me: Hey. Can I come to yours?

1:25am - Jo: Sure. You okay??

1:26am - Me: Not really.

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