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"Morning beautiful." Matty mumbled sleepily in my ear.
I groaned and rolled over, my back to him. The morning light was barely peeking in through the widow. "It's still early. Why are you waking me up on my -"
"Happy birthday, baby." He said, wrapping his arms around my waist.
I smiled as he leaned in to kiss my neck, making me squirm. "Please. I just want to sleep." I said as I rolled over, crawling closer to him and burying my face in his chest. He was warm and soft, I wanted to stay like this forever.
"I love you." He mumbled before we both fell back asleep.

We woke up three hours later, Matty's hand tangled in mine.
"Good morning." I yawned, stretching my arms out above me.
"Morning gorgeous." He smiled, leaning over to kiss my cheek. I smiled and turned my head so our lips connected. His hands cupped my face and his lips were soft against mine. I hummed as he pulled my entire body closer to him, his chest against my back. He leaned in to kiss under my jaw again, making me moan softly. He smiled against my skin and I tilted my head to give him better access. I squeezed my thighs together, feeling myself becoming wetter.
"You're the birthday girl, tell me what you want." He smirked.
"Surprise me." I mumbled. I peeked one eye open to see him smirk and pin my hands above my head in a swift motion. I let out a tiny gasp.
He smiled and crashed his lips to mine, my hands still above my head. I squirmed and moaned, wanting to touch him.
After a few more seconds of teasing, Matty's hands drifted to the hem of my shirt. He dragged the fabric up slowly, making me itch for more.
"Please," I moaned quietly. This only encouraged Matty, making him go slower. He knew it was killing me. "Matty." I whined.
"Whatever you want." He whispered, tugging my shirt up over my head. He left a trail of kisses from my lips to my neck, down to my chest, down my stomach...then he stopped as he got to where I needed him. I moaned.
"Why are you stopping?" I breathed out.
"You're so beautiful, Nikki." He said, staring up at me in awe.
I blushed and rolled my eyes. Matty smirked as his hands held my hips, his thumbs brushing over the band of my underwear. I let out a soft moan and he chuckled from between my thighs.
"Matty, p-please." I stammered, completely overcome with how much I wanted him.
"Whatever you want, birthday girl." He said, tugging the fabric of my underwear down my legs. I bit my lip in anticipation. I groaned softly when he pushed himself further away from my entrance, down to my knees. He started leaving kisses over my knees, my thighs, closer and closer to where I wanted him. My body was physically aching, I needed him to touch me more. I rolled my eyes, my patience thinning.
"Matty, I swear to god-" I was cut off as he licked a stripe through me, making me cry out. He grabbed my thighs roughly and pinned me to the mattress, sucking on my clit. I was moaning his name over and over as if it was the only word I knew.
"F-fuck, oh my god-d, M-Matty." I stuttered, feeling the familiar warm building sensation in my veins.
"You want me to stop, babe?" Matty said, looking up at me with a devious grin. I cried out at the loss of contact.
"No!" I yelled, making him chuckle audibly.
He resumed his work and moaned into me, making my legs shake so hard I thought I 'd have to ask him to stop. I could feel my orgasm fast approaching. I bit down on my lip despite the moans escaping them.
"O-Oh g-g-god." I stuttered a final time before I climaxed, panting and moaning. Matty smiled at me and crawled up to lay beside me.
"Happy birthday, babe." He grinned as he kissed me.

(A/N: Short-ish chapter that took me ages to write bc writers block. Little bit of drama next update, I promise! x)

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