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Hours had passed. I couldn't help but think that we'd wasted this day, smoking and sleeping.
"I feel like this isn't the day you wanted." I admitted quietly.
Matty's eyes widened. "Why would you say that?" He asked.
"We haven't done anything. I feel like we've wasted your day off." I said.
Matty pulled me to his chest. "This has been the best day. I got to spend it with you. I didn't have to share you with anyone." He grinned.
I smiled. "I still feel like we should do something, though."
"Okay. Let's go out. Tonight. But today you're mine. I wanted to teach you how to play something." Matty said, grabbing his guitar. We sat at the end of our unmade bed and Matty sat behind me with his arms guiding mine, teaching me chords. I giggled when I stuffed up, Matty kissed my shoulder with a smile. The rain was still pouring.

This is what love felt like, I thought - it didn't matter what you were doing, as long as you were with them. It was raining and we were stuck inside but we were with each other and we didn't care.

We spent the rest of the day laying in bed, smoking and talking and making out. We listened to music and Matty played me songs on his guitar. I could sit and watch him for hours when he played. We listened to music together, laying on the mattress holding hands. It got dark fast.
"Okay. I need to have a shower." I said, sitting up and walking to the bathroom. I could feel Matty watching me walk away, in my underwear and one of his shirts. He always loved it when I wore his shirts.

I showered and then stood in front of the wardrobe, wrapped in my towel. Matty stood behind me, his chin resting on my shoulder.
"What should I wear?" I asked him quietly. He closed his eyes and kissed my cheek. He stepped in front of me and pulled out a black dress with cut outs in the sides.
"Always black." I laughed.
"You look best in it." He smiled.

While Matty had a shower, I got changed and did my makeup.
"You look beautiful." He said, wrapping his arms around me and kissing my neck.
"So do you." I laughed, looking him up and down. He had his black jeans on, with a grey tee shirt and a black leather jacket.

We walked together hand in hand through the city. The club was only a few blocks away, and the weather had cleared up, so we walked to the club together. It had stopped raining, but I couldn't see the stars through the clouds that hung over us. The night air was cool against my skin. Matty's arm was draped around my waist as we strolled together.
We approached the entrance to the nightclub. The line went for ages.
"Don't worry," Matty said. "I've got this." He walked to the bouncer and started chatting.
"Hey, mate. You're a friend of George's aren't you?" Matty asked, his grip around my waist tightening.
"Yeah. Are you Matt?" The bouncer asked.
Matty grinned. "Yeah."
"Come on in, George said to let you and your girl in straight away." The bouncer smiled and opened the door for us.
"Thanks, man. I appreciate it." Matty smiled.
We walked together, Matty leading me through the crowds, to the bar. We ordered four rounds of tequila. Tonight was going to be fun.

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