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(A/N: Attaching the Robbers video bc it's a different version and I honestly think I'm crying look at the way he looks at her I'm so sad.)

I'd spent the entire day worrying and pacing, I'd forgotten what I was counting down to.

He was coming home.
Matty. Home again.
It almost felt strange. He'd been away for so long. I'd forgotten what he smelled like, what it felt like to have him hold me.

When it got to five o' clock I was properly nervous, watching my hands shaking.

In an hour I'd be on the road, driving to the airport. I'd see him again.

Were things going to be different?
Had we ruined this?
Had I ruined this?

These thoughts plagued my mind while I showered and got dressed. I got into my favourite skinny jeans and a loose grey tee shirt.

I drove with the radio playing softly in the background. Rain was battering the windows and made it hard for me to see the road. The dark grey clouds rolling above me made me even more nervous.

Once I'd arrived at the airport and finally found a park, I ran to the terminal to avoid the rain. I walked up and down the airport to waste time - I'd gotten there an hour earlier than I needed to.

I strolled through the different shops and stalls, grabbed a bottle of water and sat at the gate he'd arrive at in a half an hour. My knee bounced and I gulped the water down anxiously.

"Attention. Flight 561Q8LM will be arriving in twenty minutes." The announcement rang through the airport.
I was so nervous.
What if I'd well and truly fucked this up? Why hadn't I just answered him and get over myself?

I was so in love with him. I missed waking up with him. I missed his voice. I missed kissing his shoulder to wake him up in the mornings. I missed the way he made his coffee. I missed sitting on the couch and passing a joint back and forth. I missed sleeping next to him.

  Ten minutes.
Five minutes.

I watched his plane land on the runway, imagining Matty gripping the arm rest on the seat. I smiled. I saw airport staff starting to unload luggage. I ran a hand through my hair nervously. I felt this shaking nervousness in my stomach, a feeling so strange I dug my nails into my palms to feel something familiar.

I watched the plane crawl slowly towards the tunnel with my heart in my throat, pounding. I stood up and ignored how my legs shook. I stood at the gate, locking my knees into place to stop them from shaking. I waited. I watched the white tunnel door in anticpation, my heart beating so fast that it made my head spin. I felt the smile spreading over my face.

I jumped when an air hostess dressed in a red skirt and blazer opened the tunnel door and held it open for passengers. A flood of people rushed out, mostly business men and women in suits and ties talking loudly on mobile phones. My eyes scanned the crowds, watching every person that flowed out of the tunnel, but only wanting to see one.

Then I saw him.
Our eyes met and a massive grin split over my face. Matty's face mimicked my grin and I ran towards him, ignoring the strange looks from people I passed. I didn't care. He was home. Nothing else mattered.
I ran into his arms, and when we collided he had to take a step back, laughing quietly. I adored how it felt to have him wrap his arms around me. He laughed softly. I buried my face in his chest, loving the smell of him and his shirt against my cheek. He picked me up and spun me around, it felt like a movie.
I cried as I laughed, feeling the tears I'd held back sliding down my cheeks.
"I'm sorr-" I cut off his apology by smashing my lips to his, his hands framing my face.
"I love you so much." Matty mumbled against my lips, his hands sliding down to meet my hips.
"I love you too." I sobbed, smiling at him.
"I'm sorry." He said, leaning his forehead to mine.
"I'm sorry I was such a bitch." I said, wrapping my arms around his neck.
"Oh god, I missed you." He sighed, grabbing the back of my neck and pulling our lips together again. I smiled into the kiss and laughed.

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