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(A/N: This chapter gets pretty fuckin smutty at the end lmao. Oh and tell me what you think of the story so far pls I'd appreciate it x)

The sun was setting, it was getting colder. Stars were starting to peek out, and constellations were forming above us. It was beautiful. The sky went from blazing orange to a soft yellow to blurred grey-blue.
We'd passed spliff after spliff back and forth, we were so high that everything had gone fuzzy around the edges.
I put on some music from the CD I'd made for drives like this.
Matty had set up a campfire, with flames licking and crackling the wood we spent hours collecting.  We wrapped ourselves in a giant blanket, sitting together with our legs tangled. The breeze got colder but his hands got warmer.
"Do you remember the first time we met?" Matty asked quietly, staring into the flames. His dark eyes reflected the flames, casting shadows over his cheekbones.
"Yeah." I said, smiling at the memory.
"Your hair was out, covering your face. It's like you were hiding behind it." Matty smiled, squeezing my hand.

"I was so happy when you asked me to be yours, you know." I sighed with a smile, resting my head on his shoulder.
Matty kissed my temple, nudging my head with his and then kissing my lips.
"I love you so much." Matty whispered, dragging his teeth and tongue over my neck. I couldn't help but moan. Matty grabbed my thigh with a growl and pulled it over his leg so I was straddling him. I could feel hickies forming on my neck, Matty's sucking and nipping would decorate my neck and chest tomorrow.
"Matty..." I whined, squirming under his touch with a giggle. I grinded on him, desperate for him to touch me more.
"What, babe?" Matty asked with a devilish smirk, knowing exactly what he was doing to me. His tongue licked a stripe up my neck and jaw.
"I want you to..." I trailed off, distracted by his hands roaming my body. He tugged at my jeans, so the top of my underwear was showing. He knew what I wanted.
"You want me to what, babe?" Matty asked, his fingers barely grazing over my stomach, lifting the fabric of my shirt upwards. I pulled the two of us backwards, so he was on top of me.
"I want you to fuck me." I said.
Matty smashed his lips to mine, and ripped my jeans off. I tugged my shirt up over my head and he did the same.
"I love you." Matty whispered hoarsely in my ear, tugging down my underwear. I grabbed the back of his neck and kissed him passionately, he knew I loved him. Matty kissed a trail down my chest, stomach, to my waist. Matty settled between my legs, and just seeing his head between my thighs was enough to set me off.
"So ready for me." Matty muttered with a smirk.
"Shut up." I smiled.
I laid back and Matty hummed in appreciation, knowing I totally trusted him. He pushed my legs further apart and started laying sloppy kisses on my thighs, edging closer to where he knew I needed him. He was lingering at my inner thighs, barely brushing my entrance. I bit my lip hard to stop from screaming.
"Matty!" I cried, needy and soaking, sick of his teasing.
"Be patient." He commanded roughly, locking eyes with me and releasing my thighs from his grip.
It felt worse to have him not touch me at all.
"Please..." I whimpered, squirming. Matty smirked and grabbed my thighs again, holding me still.
He grinned, he knew I was his and his only.
Without warning he licked a stripe up my slit, my core clenching viciously.
I moaned loudly and grabbed fistfuls of the picnic blanket beneath us. I moaned Matty's name out loud, and Matty groaned, sending vibrations through me.
His tongue swirled inside me, making me moan and scream, tugging at his hair.
"I-I'm so close, babe." I breathed out, my hips bucking uncontrollably. Matty's hands held my hips down, stopping me from moving any more. Despite my helpless moans, his tongue still worked on my clit. I moaned louder and louder as Matty rode me through my climax, licking me clean. He waited for me to come down from my high before returning to my lips to kiss me. I kissed back, turning us over so I was on top. It was my turn to be in control now.

"Your turn." I smiled devilishly. Matty propped himself up on his elbows to watch me.
I stroked his member, already straining against the fabric of his jeans. I slowly, torturously undid the button and zipper of his jeans.
"Nikki, please go faster." Matty pleaded, trying to rush my hands. I slapped them away, taking my time.
"I'm doing exactly what you did to me." I laughed lightly, his brow furrowing.
I kissed his neck, sucking to make sure I left a mark like he did to me, then licked a line down his stomach to his waist. I pulled down his boxers torturously slow, inch by inch. I caught him biting his lip to stop from saying anything, knowing I'd stop if he did. Matty's member looked painfully hard. I felt bad for him just a little bit. Then I saw his face - he was so hooked. I was in control. He was hanging on my every movement. I brought my mouth slowly to his dick, licking the tip.
"Nikki if you don't start soon it'll be over before it begins." Matty warned hoarsely.
I leaned up, kissed his lips ever so lightly before taking him in my mouth in one go.
"Fuck!" He screamed. I wrapped my lips around him, and bobbed my head. He muttered curse words under his breath and tugged at my hair - he was close and I could tell.

Then Matty's phone rang.
"Shit. I'm not answering it. Keep going." Matty said, ignoring his phone.
I grinned. "Answer it." I demanded.
"You're insane." He laughed, thinking I was joking.
"Answer it, or I'll stop." I warned, mischief in my eyes. Matty's eyes widened in shock. He gave in.

"Hey, George." Matty said weakly. I smiled, satisfied, and kept bobbing my head. My eyes watered but I didn't care. I wanted to make Matty feel as good as he ever had. Matty gritted his teeth and exhaled a shaky breath. He continued conversation, trying desperately not to scream into the phone.
"Yeah, that sounds good. Hey, man, sorry. I've gotta go. Got some stuff to take care of." Matty said, glaring at me. "Yeah, bye, mate. Bye." Matty hung up the phone and threw it across the blanket.
"Now, please, Nikki. Please." Matty pleaded. I nodded with a grin and took him in my mouth completely. Matty groaned, grabbing fistfuls of my hair. I continued, hearing Matty's moans get louder. Before I knew it, he released into my mouth. I swallowed without thinking.
"Fuck, Nikki." Matty laughed. I grinned and wiped my mouth.
Matty hooked his fingers under my chin, bringing our lips close. We kissed gently, tenderly. Then Matty pulled me into his arms and laid me down. He hovered over me as he rolled a condom onto himself and kissed my neck.
"Ready?" He asked.
I nodded eagerly.
Then Matty slid into me. We exhaled together. Then he started to thrust. We found a rhythm, and I started to moan. He hit the spot I loved every time. He knew me well, he knew what I liked and what I didn't. I thrusted upwards, making him scream. He crashed our lips together. We moved in sync, thrusting and kissing and moaning.
"F-fuck." Matty stuttered.
"Matty, I'm almost-" I gulped.
"I know." He cut me off.
"I love when you moan my name." He growled, he was so sexy in that moment - a sheen of sweat over his forehead and moaning.
"Matty, I-I-" I said before letting out one last moan as I came. Matty soon followed.
We collapsed onto each other, panting. Matty leaned over and kissed my forehead, I leaned up to kiss his lips.
"I love you." Matty sighed.
"I love you." I said, before giving up and surrendering to sleep, Matty's arms around me and the blanket over our tangled bodies.

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