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(A/N: Smut warning at the end!)

"He really loves you, you know." Gaia said to me. She blew out a thick cloud of smoke into the air. Matty was in the kitchen talking to Jo and Maggie over  yet another glass of wine.
"I know. I love him too." I said with a hazy grin.
"Are you happy with him?" She asked.
I nodded. "He makes me want to scream sometimes, but I love him so much. I honestly can't imagine life without him." I said quietly.
"That's nice. I like you two, you know. You love each other a lot, you can see it." Gaia smiled.

I could hear Matty starting to talk to Jo and Maggie about art and religion. "I think I should go and get him before he offends someone." I laughed, getting up.
"Okay, come on, We're going to go." I said, grabbing Matty's arm.
"Aw, no! He was getting interesting!" Maggie teased.
Matty faked looking hurt and laughed. His arm wrapped around my waist and squeezed. I smiled, leaning my head against his shoulder.
"Is it late? What's the time?" Jo asked, sipping her drink.
I checked my phone. 2:49am flashed up on my screen.
"Wow, it's late." Jo laughed.

"Goodnight, it's been lovely meeting you all. We'll have to have you all 'round one day." I said.
Jo, Maggie and Gaia all bid us goodbye and Matty and I walked away, hand in hand. Matty threw his arm around my shoulder and I leaned up to kiss his neck with a smile. We walked together, stumbling and giggling like teenagers. The elevator doors opened and we stepped inside.
"I'm so glad I get to call you mine." Matty whispered, suddenly pushing me up against the wall. I giggled in surprise but kissed him back.
I felt like I was sixteen, we were reckless and stupid and addicted to each other.
I tilted my head back to give him better access, and he wasted no time to attach his lips to my already bruised neck. The elevator dinged and the doors opened. I broke away from him and dragged him into our apartment by the hand.
He slammed the door behind us "Shh! You'll wake the neighbours!" I giggled.
"I don't care." Matty growled, pulling me backwards to the bedroom. I tipped my head back and laughed. We fell backwards onto the bed, laughing like kids.

He laid down on top of me and kissed me, passionate and fast and eager.
"I'm so in love with you." I said with a smile. Matty kissed my lips once again before breaking away to take his shirt off. He helped me remove my own with ease. I arched my back and undid the clasp of my bra. Matty pulled it off me eagerly. After some difficulty he removed his tight black jeans, and I slid out of my dress.
He kissed me and propped himself up on the bed, watching me while biting his lip. I smirked and tugged at the waist band of his boxers, pulling them down slowly. After his boxers were pulled down entirely I set to work, pumping him with my hand. I watched his face contort and his eyes squeeze shut. His breaths became shallow and he let out small moans every few moments.
"Fuck, Nikki." Matty groaned. I smirked. I had him where I wanted him.
Without any warning I removed my hand licked a long stripe from the base to the tip.
His head fell back against the headboard. "F-fuck." He moaned.
I licked the tip once more before taking him completely in my mouth. I bobbed my head as Matty moaned, pushing my head further.
"Nikki I'm gonna-" Matty tried to warn, but before he could finish his sentence he released into my mouth. After coming down from his climax, Matty pinned me beneath him. I squirmed and giggled.
"You're mine." He said lustfully.
Matty kissed my lips, my neck, my chest, my stomach. His hands squeezed my breast while sucking on my nipple. I tried not to moan too loudly. He smirked and kissed my lips once more before settling between my thighs. I moaned when his finger brushed over my soaked underwear. I watched him grin. He kissed my knees, trailing upwards.
I propped myself up on my elbows. "Matty, please don't tease." I warned him.
He smirked and pulled down my underwear torturously slow, placing soft kisses on the skin as it was exposed. I tried not to moan.
I inhaled sharply as he slid two fingers into me. He started to pump in and out, me breathing heavily.
"Matty," I moaned loudly. He knew I was close. As with that he removed his fingers, leaving me feeling deflated.
"What the fuck was tha-" Matty cut me off by swirling his tongue around my clit and making me cry out. I moaned and grabbed fistfuls of his hair, encouraging him. My head fell back onto the bed and I groaned. I felt him smile against my skin. He continued working on my clit, despite my legs shaking. He grabbed my thighs roughly and pulled me closer to him, sending a shiver through me. 
"M-Matty," I stuttered, my hips bucking and legs shaking.
"What babe?" Matty asked, breaking away from where I wanted him.
"Don't stop!" I cried out. Matty grinned and resumed his work. He licked a stripe through me, and with a final swirl around my clit, sent me over the edge.

After tidying ourselves up, Matty settled down on top of me.
"Ready?" Matty asked, brushing hair out of my face.
I kissed him. "Yeah."
He thrusted into me, making me cry out. Our hips found a rhythm and we thrusted deeper.
"Nikki," Matty groaned in my ear.
"Faster, Matty, please." I moaned desperately.
Matty obeyed and thrusted faster, making us both moan louder. I could tell Matty was close, but he held out for me. I flipped us around so I was on top. Matty was surprised. I rested my hands on his chest and thrusted, bouncing and moaning above him. I leaned down to kiss him and continued to thrust. Matty's jaw dropped, watching me moan above him. I slowed the pace right down, feeling his cock slid in and out of me, feeling every movement.
"N-Nikki," Matty pleaded.
"Not yet." I whispered in his ear. Our hips rocked together as my thrusts sped up a bit.
"F-fuck." I moaned.
He thrusted into me another time and that sent us both spiralling over the edge, moaning and shouting each others names. I collapsed onto the bed next to him, panting.
"I love you so much." Matty whispered, wrapping his arms around me.
"I love you, too." I whispered back in the darkness. I felt my eyelids droop as Matty's fingers traced patterns on my arm. His body was warm against mine. I finally gave in as the heaviness of sleep pulled me under.

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