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"So, Nikki - what's the deal with Matty?" Jo asked as she poured herself a fourth glass. We'd been talking for hours, trading stories and memories. It was dark and the lights of the city were gorgeous through the giant windows.
I sipped my own glass and inhaled through my nose. "It's a weird relationship with us. We've been together forever. I love him to death, but he drives me insane." I said.
"Cheers to that." Jo said, raising her glass. Our glasses clinked and we drank. Then my phone buzzed. I checked it without thinking. I'd missed messages from Matty. Oops.

2:09 pm - Matty: Babe where are you?? x

3:46pm - Matty: I'm sorry.

6:27pm - Matty: Nikki answer me

8:15pm - Matty: I've rung you five times babe

10:03pm - Matty: Fine

10:05pm - Matty: Fuck it

10:39pm - Matty: I'm going out, don't expect me to be back when you get home.

I grimaced. "I'm in trouble." I said.
"Chill. It's fine. Couples fight. Just relax. You're allowed to have a night away from him." Jo reassured me, patting my hand.
"You're right," I said. "Have you got anything harder than this?" I asked, pointing to the wine.
"I thought you'd never ask." Jo said with a grin. She pulled herself off the couch and I followed her to the kitchen. She opened a glass cabinet and pulled out a bottle of whiskey. We poured whiskey and coke into tall glasses with ice and sat on giant cushions on the floor of Jo's apartment. We watched the city lights twinkle in front of us.
"Oh and I'll pretend not to notice the hickies all over you, shall I?" Jo said with a cheeky grin.
I let out a loud laugh. "Please."

"This has been really nice, you know." I said quietly, sipping my drink.
"Yeah. It has. I like you, Nikki. You're young. Makes me feel young." Jo laughed.
"I wish I could stay here. This is beautiful." I said.

"I have an idea." Jo said suddenly.
"What?" I asked.
"You said you hate your job. You said you want to do something creative. I'll hire you. You'll be my apprentice." Jo said with light in her eyes.
"Are you serious?" I asked.
"Of course. Are you in?" Jo said.
"Of course!" I said, hugging her. Jo laughed and hugged me back.
"So - what will I be doing as your apprentice?" I smiled at the word.
"As my apprentice, I'll teach you to paint. That means a lot of late nights and coffee runs and Sunday afternoon painting sessions." Jo explained with a smile.
"That sounds perfect." I said, grinning so wide.
"Great! We'll start tomorrow!" Jo smiled, finishing her drink.

We talked for another two hours. I found it really easy to talk to Jo, it came naturally. For god's sake, we'd only met that day and I was in her apartment, drinking wine, with a new job on my hands. But she was a lovely lady, and to be honest I think she was a little bit lonely. Not that I minded. I wanted a friend, too.

It was late. I was tired and drunk. "I need to go home," I said, getting up from my cushion. "Thank you so much, Jo. For the job, the wine, this afternoon, everything. Thank you." I said.
"It's fine. You're welcome here any time sweetie, okay? I'll see you tomorrow." Jo said with a warm smile.
"Okay. Night."

I took the elevator down to my apartment, too drunk to be nervous. I wasn't sure if Matty would be home. I unlocked the door and kicked off my shoes. 


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