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(A/N: Undo is one of my absolute favourite songs, and I feel like it really really suits this chapter x)

We all ended up back at Denise's house. Cups of tea were made and booze was passed around.

Matty, George, Adam, Ross and I sat out the back, sitting in a circle. The sun was warm on our faces, but I couldn't escape the dull, glum feeling in the pit of my stomach. I couldn't even begin to attempt to feel what Matty was feeling.
His hand rested on my thigh, our hands intertwined.
"How are you doing, mate?" George asked Matty.
"I feel like shit. I feel like this is a strange fever nightmare." Matty replied, rubbing his hand over his face.
"I have stuff if you want it." George said quietly, pulling out his stash of already-rolled joints.
"Yep." Matty said quickly, snatching the spliff from George's hand and lighting it, taking a deep inhale.
"Pass it round, I'm not gonna sit here and watch you get high." Adam said suddenly. Matty passed it around. We passed the joint around the circle and we lit up another three or four. Everything became muted and soft and music was playing and Matty's hands were soft and warm against my skin. It was around three in the afternoon.
"If Louis was here right now, he'd be asking for me to sneak him a beer." Matty said with a smile. We all smiled at the thought.
"Do you remember that time, like ages ago, when he asked us for advice about girls?" Ross asked. We all laughed.
"What did you say?" asked with a laugh.
"He wanted to ask this girl at school if she liked him and he didn't know how. So he came to Matty for advice, and we may or may not have told him more than he wanted or needed to know." George chimed in.
Matty laughed. Then his face fell and I could see he held back tears.
"He's really gone." He whispered, his voice breaking a little bit.

The rest of the day was spent talking and smoking and drinking and laughing and crying. It was a strange kind of mix - feeling really happy in remembering him, and then feeling completely lost because he'd died.
He was barely 14. And he'd died. I wasn't close close to him, but anyone could feel the tragedy and sadness in the atmosphere.

People started leaving, trickling out the door one by one. George and the boys were the last to leave, after they helped us clean up the house for Denise who'd fallen asleep in a heap upstairs. It would've been the hardest on her, losing Louis. Tim had lied down next to Denise and tucked her in, made sure she was alright, then hugged Matty and I goodbye.

It was just Matty and I awake in the house. It was around five. The house was dark, the curtains were drawn, the TV was the only light in the room. It cast sporadic multicoloured shadows and shapes on the walls. Matty and I had been sitting here silently for what felt like years. I knew he had sat there, thinking.
Matty was sitting in an old black leather armchair with tattered sides - it had always been 'his spot', he told me. His eyes had glazed over, and they reflected the glowing light of the TV. He was deep in thought. I walked over to him slowly, he hadn't noticed. He stared into space, completely oblivious to me standing right next to him. I straddled him, with my knees either side of his legs. His eyes snapped into focus on mine. He bit his lip for a millisecond. The room was quiet and we hadn't said a word to each other in hours. Before we could say anything, Matty pulled me onto him. Our lips collided. Our touch was frenzied and rushed and wild and frantic. Matty's hands slid down my sides and rested on my hips.
"I feel like I haven't seen you all day." Matty whispered hoarsely against my lips.
I laughed quietly, breaking away from him. "I know. I missed you." I sat with my arms looped around his neck, my hands resting on the back of the armchair.
Matty grinned at me, his pupils dilated. "I missed you." His lips crashed to mine again before I could say any more.

(A/N: Short-ish chapter ehh I'm sorry. Let me know what you guys are thinking of this so far please, I really want to know! More comments = faster updates)

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