•Too protective•

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This is from my second book. I'm deleting it though. So here you go :D tell a friend. x

I wrote the beginning of this imagine very decently, but as you will see I again got lazy at the ends. I apologize. I hope you have a nice time reading.


He was the most affluent moneylender you could ever become aware of

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He was the most affluent moneylender you could ever become aware of. A dedicated business person who piled out at 6:00 am to get his work done, looking for the way to just pledge satisfaction and happiness for his family. His potent operative business was the only thing he cherished other than his family. He desired lap of luxury, a bed of roses, and obtaining big-budget of automobiles. He was tremendously very intimidating. He got sickened by the idea of having a woman in his life. They all just wanted to be a part of his affluence life. Golddiggers. Every single one of them was gold diggers. They didn't want his love –hell, they didn't even want him for who he really was, just for his image.

He always thought like that, till he encountered his sweetest delicate love. Good-natured, and a heavenly woman she was. He was captivated by her angelic countenance. Enchanted by her endearing grin she gave him while walking past him. She wasn't even aware of how wealthy he was, just a smile from the kindness of her heart. Harry's heart melted at the sight of her. He, the biggest billionaire of the decade, never felt like this.

He had to get her. Harry loathed the idea of any other masculine male's digit fondling her fragile and tender skin. He'd do to the death of anyone who tried taking the sweet creature away from him. Harry was capable of ordering his people to make him anything he wished for at any time, anywhere, and any day. Although, his heart only wished for that sweetness who walked by him. He knew he could get her, and he did, actually.

[Y/N] was still the innocent sweetheart she was. Still suffering in the lack of knowledge of all those hungry, lustful, and lecherous stares male would give her. She was so oblivion, but now. She was his oblivion angel. Harry's greatness in wealth and business managed to seek people's hungry eyes towards his girl to come to an end. Everyone knew, just one tiny touch, just even half-pint of a male's finger on her body, and that male wouldn't live anymore. Even if they did, Harry would make sure to make them suffer while excusing them to breathe.

Now, his job didn't mean shit to him. He'd give away his everything and everything to just be able to feel her breathing in the mornings. His life was his precious [Y/N] now. His hands never touched blood of a dead, but he would make them bloody if anyone disturbed his princess.


"So, Do you have any job, currently?" Justin, [Y/N]'s violent brother who was secretly taken away from her for 19 years, asked. His brutal personality caused him to escape, to run back to the precious thing of his life. Pleading to be accepted by his delightful sister. He perceived what a kind individual she was, her heart was pure, no cruel cell existed in her body. He knew her heart was capable of accepting who he was.

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