• Anne's wedding•

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Anne's Wedding Day (Harry Imagine)

A/N: I'm not sure if Anne has a sister but for the sake of this let's just pretend she does. I was planning on writing an imagine where you meet at a wedding so I guess this will suffice.

My mom's best friend Anne was getting married today, I didn't see why I had to go along solely because I didn't even know the woman, but whatever I wasn't doing anything anyways. I had put on a nice red dress I found and paired it with my black heels, did my hair and make up and headed downstairs to where my mother was putting the finishing touches on her makeup. "How is this mom?" I said twirling around to show her my dress. She looked away from the mirror briefly before saying, "You look beautiful sweetie." I smiled and said, "Same to you mom." After what seemed like an hour of waiting, we finally were picked up by the limo. Inside was Anne, Anne's parents and her sister.
"Is this your daughter?" Anne's mother said smiling reassuringly. My mother smiled kindheartedly and nodded. "She's very very pretty just like her mother." Both my mother and I smiled before saying thank you. The car got quiet before Anne's father said to Anne, "How come Harry & Gemma aren't riding with us?" Anne shrugged lightly and said, "They said they wanted to be surprised, I don't know." Her mother nodded and for about another 20 minutes the car ride was painstakingly quiet before we finally pulled up at the Chapel. My mother & I got out first and then Anne's sister & parents. My mother and I headed inside the room and sat around looking. My gaze landed upon this handsome brown hair boy and my hands began to sweat. I must've stared at him for a few minutes before his green orbs locked with mine. I felt my heart pound out of my chest. I quickly dropped my gaze and felt my face burning up. I bit down on my lip and tried not to look again but it was so damn hard. I glanced back over and the boy was smirking, he sat back down in the front and waited.
Another 20 minutes later the music began playing and Anne entered the Church with her father on her arm. She looked beautiful. She was a very sweet lady & her soon to be husband seemed like a nice guy.
After the ceremony was done, we all began filing out to head to the wedding party, I tried to keep the boy in my sight but he soon disappeared in the crowd of people, but he wasn't gone for long. As my mother & I made our way inside the limo there he sat. Leaning back casually against the window. Damn he was even better looking in person. I slid inside and with my luck, I was seated right in front of him. The car began to drive as my mother and Anne were talking briefly about the ceremony and how wonderful it was and all I felt were two eyes burning a hole into my face. A girl a few years older than me leaned over to the boy and quietly whispered, "Stop staring at her, you're being a creep." I pretended not to hear even though I heard every word.
"Y/M/N & Y/N," Anne began softly, "I forgot to introduce you to my children, Harry & Gemma." They both smiled reassuringly and I smiled back. "Nice to meet you." Harry said in a deep raspy voice. I bit down on my lip and managed to make out the words, "You too, Harry."
I must've become so consumed in thought I didn't realize we were pulling up to the party. Anne & Robin came out first followed by her parents, sister, my mother, myself, Gemma & Harry. As I walked alongside my mother I could hear Anne talking to Harry she said, "Harry I understand Y/N is a very pretty girl, but you were staring at her the whole ride here." I heard a chuckle come from Gemma's lips which brought a smile to mine.
We settled in at our tables and with no wait the music began to play, drinks were poured and food was served. I was seated at a table with everyone I was in the limo with. Harry sat on the other end of the table with his family. We all ate and chatted, but I didn't dare to say a word to him. He was making me extremely nervous.
About an hour later, it was time for Anne & Robin to dance and for their song they picked Kiss Me by Ed Sheeran. As soon as I heard the music begin I almost jumped out of my seat. I loved Ed's music and I adored that song. They began dancing around and soon others were invited to dance. I sat quietly singing along quietly as I looked down at my phone. I felt a tap on my shoulder and there he was. His eyes shining in the fluorescent lighting, his dimples showing. He smiled and said politely, "Y/N, would you care to dance?" I smiled and began to get up, his hand extended outwards towards mine as he pulled me onto the floor. His arm snaking around my waist and his other grasping my hand. He smiled and spoke quietly, "I'm sorry I was uh-staring. I was just nervous, I couldn't figure out how to speak to you." I smiled and giggled a bit, "It's alright, I was thinking the same thing about you." He released my hand and placed it on my waist, I wrapped my arms around his neck which brought me closer up against him. "I hope you don't mind," I began. "No worries." He smiled as he began singing quietly to the song. "You like this song too? I love Ed." He nodded and we both began singing along.
We must've danced all night just small talking about our lives and shit because my mother had to come over to me to tell me we were leaving soon. Harry & I exchanged numbers and planned on meeting sometime soon.

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