• surprise •

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Happy birthday to my favorite baby in this world:Theo! x

Happy birthday to my women crush:Eleanor! x

Happy birthday to my favorite 5sos member:Luke! x

"Are you sure he won't get mad? I swear Y/N, if he gets mad, I have nothing to do with this! Alright?"

"Trust me Gem, If we don't tell him anything about how I came, he won't ask. But always look at the same positive side!" I giggle.

I place my last backpack in the Trunk and close it, well automatically it closes after you just pull it down a little bit_ but still just to make sure.

" Ugh! I hate you for doing this. I'm already nervous. When do you think you'll reach the house? I have to keep Harry to sleeping."She whispers, I can hear the frightened tone of her, that in case anything happens to me and Harry finds out and gets heartbroken.

Harry's tour just ended, and he was very excited to come and see me, but I declined his offer to come home, and told him to go to his parents house or the place he grew up.He was very upset that he couldn't see me, but I was planning on to surprise him. His flight was 14 hours long, and I knew when he'd reach his home, He'd be very tired, and have a deep sleep.As he'll sleep, I'll start driving to his house, it wasn't that long. Infact it was only 8 hours. It was 1Am now, I'd reach there like on 9, 9:30 am, if you count the other things.

"Till 9:30?"

"Thank God, Harry'll sleep till 3pm"She quietly giggles and causes me to giggle too.

"Okay, Gem. I'm in my car now. I gotta go, alright? Love you."

"Oh God, Y/N. Please drive safely. Please. Please take care y/n,don't make me regret planning the idea with you,"

It's been hours now, Hours since I was driving, I was close to them, I could tell you that I'd arrive in like 20 minutes.The driving wasn't really that hard, The only thing that I was afraid of, was the car suddenly stopping in a middle of nowhere, and gladly it didn't happen. I was drinking a lot of coffees, Either cold or hot. But still the hot wasn't even that hot now.The music was loud, but as I came to the neighborhood, I'd lower it so it wouldn't disturb the neighbors. The sun had shined bright and everything was going so well. Because my excitement of meeting Harry was so high, Sleep didn't even cross me. As I was getting closer and closer to their house, my excitement even got more. It was 9:27Am now. And I was getting closer and closer every second.

Soon enough I reached their house,So I parked infront of their house.I quickly fixed myself, by putting on perfumes and fixing my makeup. As I finished, I called Gemma, which caused her after one minute to burst out of her house with a grin on her face and arms wide open.

I let a smile out and quickly opened my car, I ran to her and hug her tightly.

"Oh God! I'm so thankful you're safe! I missed you so much, Boo!" She yells, but in a low tone."I missed you damn more,Gem! Thank you for helping me with the idea."I say and kiss her cheeks.

"Well,I like seeing that ass happy."She giggles."C'mon, Mom's been waiting for you. Robin left for work,But he still said to deliver you a hello. I slept as soon as you said you were driving, So I could wake up at 8. But mom usually wakes up at 8."

She helps me with my bags and I smile and thank her. "Harry's still sleeping?"I ask her and she nods.

We both go inside and I get welcomed by Anne's huge embrace.She starts kissing me and hugging me again and again.

"C'mon,you must be very hungry! I made you your favorite breakfast!"She smiles at me and brings out something from the microwave.

"Awe,Mom! You didn't have to do that, You're making me feel bad.I did have some food for myself."I smile at her and thank her.

It's funny how me and Harry aren't even engaged but she still insists me to call her 'Mom' because this is how much she loves me and approves me.She always tells me that I'm like her own daughter.

"After you eat your breakfast,Sweetheart. You can go wake Harry up and then sleep with him on his bed,Because I know you're both tired."She explains and rubs my hands for a nice gesture.

After I eat my breakfast and thank them both many times,I finally am going upstairs to Harry's bedroom.As I know one one is watching me I again put on some perfume, I just want to look perfect for him.

As I open his bedroom, I see him laying peacefully on his bed,I smile to myself and tip toe to his bed.

I slowly play with his hair and rub his cheek. "Baby.."I whisper.

He lets out a low moan and leans more into my touch."Sweetie."I say a bit louder. His breathing pattern changes and I know he's awake.He tiredly opens his eyes.As he sees me his eyes go wide open and he jumps on me.
"Baby??"He asks as he hugs me tightly.I giggle and he leans back to look at my face while he rubs my hair, His arms were all over my back, and he was using his hands to play with my hair.

"Y-you're here?"He asks and I nod,"Of course, you idiot!"I giggle and he laughs before kissing my lips eagerly.

"Don't make out with me now,I'm tired. After we both wake up you can do that thingy,Snog? I don't know, but you can do it."I say and he laughs.He kisses my forehead and again lays back.

"I'm so glad you're actually here."He says as I lay in his arms. I pull the duvet on us,and grin before sticking to him."I love you so much."I say and before waiting for his answer I fall asleep.But I knew he mumbled it back.

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