•Gemma and Anne hear you •

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ATTENTION: I did not write this imagine, and I give myself no credit, credit to the owner is given. If you are the owner or if you know that the owner does not like others reposting her imagines, tell me so I can delete it.

credit and link is here for you to check out the real imagine: http://itshazzatime.tumblr.com/imagine-17

Over the years that you and Harry had been together, Anne and Robin's house had become like a second home to you. You and Harry made the drive back to Holmes Chapel whenever he had a break from tour. It was so nice to be able to get away from the craziness that London was full of. You two loved to lounge on the couch, full of Anne's cooking or walk around the small town without having to worry about being mobbed by fans and paparazzi.

Harry was due to leave for the first leg Where We Are Tour in a couple weeks, so you two were trying to spend as much time together and with his family. Gemma had come home also, needing some quality family time as well.

You tip toed downstairs on the last morning of your stay, with the plan of making some tea for harry and yourself. You nearly jumped when you saw Anne and Gemma already in the kitchen. Both were sitting at the counter, hands wrapped around steaming mugs. Honestly, you hadn't expected any one to be up, seeing that it was only half past 7 in the morning.

"Oh, hi," You said, your voice still a little rough from sleep and from some other activities you and Harry had done last night. You both had tried so hard to contain yourself. Having sex in his parents' house definitely was on top of either of your lists and not the most conventional either. But not being to get anything more than quick kisses and sometimes getting each other off in the shower since you were there had gotten to you both. When you were at home, sex was a daily thing, sometimes even twice or three times a day. You were kind of embarrassed by the fact that either of you couldn't wait one more day, until you were home. But you had both reached a breaking point, which led you two to trying your stifle your moans while having sex in the bed he's had since he was 8 year old.

Gemma smirked at you, taking in your appearance. Your hair was tied up half hazardly, trying to hide the mess that Harry had made last night and you were only wearing one of his old sweaters.

"Good morning love, how'd you sleep?" Anne asked with a knowing glint in your eyes.

You had both tried to be quiet throughout the night, but the look in Gemma's and Anne's eyes told you that you might not have been as quiet as you thought.

You scuttled around the small kitchen, turning on the kettle and grabbing two mugs out of the cupboard.

"Lovely, how about you?" You replied, trying to keep your voice casual.

"Not as good as you," Gemma muttered, just as you heard feet pattering down the stairs.

Harry strolled into the bright kitchen; just clad a pair of old sweats. The marks you had left on his neck and chest last night were on full display.

"Ah, my three favorite women," He said cheerfully, kissing each of you on the cheek.

"So Haz..." Gemma started, taking a sip of her tea, "Is everything okay? I heard a lot of weird noises coming from your room last night,"

Harry's eyes widened a little.

"Yeah I heard that too Gems, sounded like whining, and something kept knocking against the wall. Are you two alright?" Anne added, her and Gemma both sporting the famous Styles smirk.

You blushed, putting your head in your hands while Harry just laughed.

"Mom, can you not comment on our sex life?" He whined.

"If you're going to have sex under my roof Harold, I have the right to comment on it," Anne said still smirking.

Harry wrapped his arms tightly around your waist from behind, hooking his chin over your shoulder.

"I'm so sorry," You muttered, finally pulling your hands away from your face.

Anne and Gemma just laughed.

"It's okay sweetheart, it's hard to resist his charm." Anne replied. Harry just smirked against your neck.

"Just know that we're going to be making fun of your for it for a very long time," Gemma added.

You and Harry groaned, as he dragged you out of the kitchen towards his bedroom, your tea completely forgotten.

"We're going to pack," He called over his shoulder.

Just as you were about to scold Harry about seducing you into having sex with him in his childhood bed and also not informing you how thing the walls were, Gemma called his name from downstairs.

"What now?"

"If I have to ever hear faster baby, oh, harder harry, harder, again, I will literally cut off my own ears."

You and Harry looked at each other sighing; knowing neither of you would ever live this down

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