•Bad Girl• |smut|

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Damn she's great at writing smut!

It's the same author.

Warnings: smut

You'd teased him all night and he is done with you.

The moment you walk through the door to your flat he has you pressed against the wall, his lips attacking your neck and his hips grinding into yours.

"Get upstairs, get undressed and don't touch," Harry growls in your ear, tearing away from you and pushing you slightly to get you moving.

You do as you're told... sort of. You go upstairs.You get semi-undressed and you touch over your panties. You know he'll be angry and that makes it so much better but so much worse.

You moan loudly, making sure he can hear you disobeying him and he barges into your room. He grips your wrist to stop you from rubbing and glares down at you.

"What do you think you're doing?" he cocks his head to the side and waits.


"And what did I tell you not to do?"


"You've been a very bad girl tonight, (Y/N)," he drawls as he slowly removes your bra and panties. "Which means tonight you're getting punished."

You watch him as he gets undressed, leaving him in nothing but his boxers. You squirm under his heavy gaze.

"Now what am I going to do with you?" There's a long pause and he's palming himself over his boxers. "You want to cum that bad, huh? Bad enough that you'd disobey me?"

Suddenly his fingers are inside you, curling against your walls and making you wetter by the second. You grip his wrist but he only grabs both your hands, pinning them above your head.

He pumps harder, faster and your stomach his starting to tighten. You move your hips against his hand but the moment you do he stops and waits for you to settle down.

Harry continues to finger you and you start to clench around his fingers. He pulls away, licking his fingers and watching you squirm.

"Harry," you whimper.

"We're gonna play a game, darling. We're gonna see how many times you can edge before you're dripping down your thighs." His thumb is on your clit, moving fast. You're squirming wanting to cum but being too afraid to.

Harry pulls away again and stares at how wet your sex is for him. He dips a single finger into you and then pulls out, sucking the juices off. You try to wiggle your wrists out of his hold but his grip is firm.
Somehow managing to ram three fingers into you, Harry smirks down at you as he pumps them hard and fast and revels in the sweet sound of your drenched pussy. He leans forward and sucks harshly on your collarbone, your chest and your neck; leaving purple bruises that'll be hard to cover in the morning.

His mouth envelopes one of your breasts and his tongue circles your nipple before biting, hard. Your body jolts and Harry stops moving his fingers, waiting for your hips to stop moving.

Frustrated, you don't stop. You work your hips in a way that moves Harry's fingers. He stares down at you, completely amused.

"You want to get off that badly?" he asks, slamming his fingers into you roughly. One by one he slowly removes his fingers, licking them clean.

By now you're dripping down your thighs and ready to suck, blow and fuck to get your release.

"Answer me." He blows cool breath on your sex.

"Yes. Please. Please, make me cum." You're beyond the point of enduring. "I should have followed your rules. I'm sorry, Daddy."

"Yes, you should have." He watches you writhe. "Do you need it?" There's an evil glint in his eyes and it only makes you wetter.
"Yes," you say. Anything to have his hands on you.

"Are you sure?" His fingers are playing with your lower lips and your breath is catching.


"Fine," he whispers. "Daddy'll give you what you want. Over and over and over again until his baby girl has learned her lesson."

His fingers plunge into you, deeper than before. He rams them into you, taking you fast and hard. Your eyes are wide, his words slowly sinking in. Before you can protest you've climaxed for the first time tonight, your back arching, your pussy dripping and your mouth forming the shape of an 'o'.

Harry moves on to you clit, rubbing fast without mercy. You haven't even come down from your first orgasm yet and your stomach is already tightening, ready to release again.

You cum hard, your whole body shaking and your clit is swollen and sensitive but Harry doesn't stop rubbing. He keeps moving his thumb in a circular motion, making you come for a third time.
His mouth moves to your sex, licking up your juices, before plunging his tongue deep. He holds your hips down with both his hands, letting go of your wrists. You use your free hands to try and push his head away but he ignores you, continuing to devour you.

"Harry, no, please. I'm too sensitive." Even as you say this a moan escapes your lips when he hits your spot.

After a few strokes from his tongue on your clit you came undone, gripping his hair and screaming his name loud enough to wake the neighbours. In your bout of ecstasy you barely felt him flip you over so you were sitting on his face.
Here he had better access to move where ever he wanted inside you.It was also a total turn on to look down on him licking at your pussy.
Your legs are shaking and you can barely hold yourself upright as he works you towards a fifth orgasm that you're not sure your body can take.

You grip this headboard and move your hips against Harry's mouth, hoping that this'll be the last one... well maybe second to last.

You can't support yourself when you cum again and Harry has to hold you up. He licks you clean before lifting you off him. He stares down at your tired body, glistening in sweat before leaning in close to your ear. "You're lesson isn't over yet, sweetheart. Get on your hands and knees. It's Daddy's turn now."

Your arms shake as you  position yourself. You feel Harry caress your bum before delivering a hard smack. You gasp and nearly collapse.

His tip is rubbing against your entrance and you don't know if you can him for a sixth time.

You sigh, shiver and moan as he enters you. Harry may be dominant and a little scary in bed, but he always makes sure you're comfortable before taking you. Hard.

Harry slams into you, destroying your wet and swollen pussy for a sixth and final time. You grip the sheets beneath you and try to stay upright, wanting to please him.
He leans forward and nips your skin, every once and a while biting hard, leaving evident marks in your skin. He smacks your bum again and picks up speed. He's close.

You're close too and every time he smacks your ass with his big hands you get a little closer to your climax.

Harry suddenly pulls out of you and flips you onto your back, slipping back into you and picking up the pace.

His lips connect with yours for the first time tonight and they're hungry. You can taste yourself on him and you welcome the flavour on your tongue.

You tighten around Harry before coming undone. You writhe and squirm and shake, milking him with your spasms. He rides out both your highs and licks you clean before settling with a sigh next to you. He gathering your spent body in his arms and chuckles.

"So, has Daddy's little princess learned her lesson?"

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