• when you're older•

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N O T   M I N E!!   C R E D I T S     T O    G E E N A.


"Alright, fellas, can we keep it focused for now, please?" Paul encouraged with a deep laugh, as the boys got ready for sound check for that night's small show to preview some songs off the upcoming album.
Harry slid his in-ears around his neck, walking over to where you stood, squeezing your hand gently, and pressing a kiss to your cheek. "Ready? Got the sign?" he whispered, leaning in close to you so the boys wouldn't hear. His hand grazed lightly over your twelve week belly that was just beginning to round. You hadn't told the boys that you were pregnant yet, and they were starting to get suspicious. With Harry leaving hastily from studio sessions early, to make it to your appointments and your suddenly heightened senses. Earlier, when Zayn had leaned in to give you a gentle hug, you caught the thick, musky smell of his cologne, instantly making your stomach churn unsteadily, and nearly throwing up all over him.
You nodded. "We're good to go."
"Boys, can't we behave?" Paul reasoned, wrapping an arm around Louis's middle, and lifting him up, away from where he was incessantly poking Niall in the ribs. "Does everyone have their mics? Is everyone ready?"
The boys all nodded, chorusing a humming, "Uh huh."
Harry turned to you, kissing you one more time quickly on the lips, adjusting his mic pack and giving you a knowing wink.
You smiled, giving him a nod in agreement.
"Alright, lovebirds, hold it down over there," Louis called out teasingly with a smirk.
Harry made a face at him, sticking out his tongue.
"Alright, alright, let's have a good show," Paul said, trying to reign in the energy.
The boys all gave you a kiss on the cheek as they passed, going out on to the stage, being greeted by a swell of cheers and excited screams from the gathering of fans.
You stayed backstage for the first couple of songs, and right before the question and answer section, you grabbed the large, brightly colored poster you and Harry had spent a good couple hours late last night, putting together, the kitchen table littered with colored construction paper scraps and glue sticks missing lids. The breakfast nook ending up looking something like a ravaged kindergarten classroom. Sneaking out from backstage, you climbed the side stairs, quietly, to a row of seats just above the floor level where the fans were huddled. To your relief, none of the boys had noticed you sneaking around.
Harry caught sight of you, and winked, giving you a quick thumbs up before anyone saw.
Louis tapped Harry on the shoulder. "What are you smiling at, mate?" he asked into his mic, earning a swell of giggles from the crowd. You nodded to Harry, getting ready to hold up the poster.
Harry pointed towards where you were standing a few rows up, and right as Louis looked up, you held the sign out in front of you.
Louis pursed his lips, squinting and leaning forward to read the print.
"Boys," he read aloud. "You may...want to take some time off around April 16th, you're going to be uncles..." The rest of the boys quickly looked up at the sign, reading it for themselves, as they began to realize what Louis had said. Louis shook his head, his eyes widening as he processed what he had read. He looked to Harry quickly, who was grinning widely. "Seriously?" he asked.
Harry nodded. "We're going to have a new little member sometime in April!" Harry said proudly into his mic, before blowing you a kiss.
Louis cheered, the rest of the boys joining in, as they realized what was going on, slamming into Harry as they wrapped him in a group hug.
"Harry's gonna be a dad!" Zayn said excitedly into his mic, the fans erupting in cheers as well.
"Our very own Harold is going to be a father," Louis beamed, shaking Harry's shoulders. "We're very excited."
Harry grinned proudly, glancing up at you.
"Yeah!" Liam and Niall cheered together.
"Can we also get a round of applause for Harry's beautiful wife, who is carrying the very first One Direction baby?" Liam asked, gesturing up to you.
Some of the crowd turned towards where you were standing, giving an energetic cheer.
You smiled, taking a playful bow.
"I love you," Harry mouthed.
"I love you," you mouthed in response. 
"How did this happen?" Louis teased, giving a cheeky look to the crowd. "I wonder." He glanced up at you as well. 
Harry blushed, crimson creeping up his cheeks, and you laughed, shaking your head.
"I'll tell you when you're older," he whispered, looking down at his shoes and clearly embarrassed.

Harry Styles daddy harry daddy!harry daddy styles daddy harry feels harry feels daddy feels husband harry boyfriend harry one direction one shots geenalovesthelittlethings daddy harry one shot daddy harry imagine harry styles one shot harry styles imagine one direction imagine one direction one shots harry styles one shots harry styles imagines one direction imagines 1d imagines 1d one shots one direction one shot 1D daddy harry one shots daddy harry imagines daddy styles one shot daddy styles imagine daddy styles one shots

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