•Pregnancy & worry•

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The cold breeze gushing from the window tingled through my skin, giving me a few goosebumps. I brushed my hair away from my face and placed it behind my ear. "Uhh," I groaned, spreading my hand around the bed to feel the warmth of my husband, Harry, but instead just felt the coldness of the sheets on the bed. My eyes flicked open, looking around for him in the room, which happened to be empty. The last thing I remembered was of Harry singing me to sleep. So where was he right now?

I sat up from the bed, allowing all my weight on my hands. That itself isn't something easy to do when you have a 7 months old baby inside you. The pain is too much. I searched around the room for Harry, but found no sign of him. "Haz?" I called out. No reply. Damn it! Where does he go when you want him to be there with you. I got off of the bed and checked the bathroom which was also empty. I sighed. "Harry, if this is a joke, its not a funny one" I searched through the whole house, expecting him to be somewhere, but found nothing. Except for the fact that his oxfords were missing, along with his phone and wallet.Maybe it was just me, but Harry never had actually left me home alone when I was pregnant. Unless if it was for work, of course. Yet, he would always tell me when he would be leaving and keep calling or messaging me. I got my phone out from my pocket and saw no missed calls or new messages. That meant that he didn't care to tell me where he was right now. Just where did he go?

An hour had passed since I woke up and still there was no sign of Harry. I sat on the couch with a carton of ice-cream with me. Tears were beginning to fill up in my eyes. Harry had gone. And I had a strong feeling that he wasn't gonna be coming back. I mean seriously, who would? He was in the world's biggest boy band, for God's sake! Why would anyone want to stay home and take care of a pregnant girl when you can tour all around the world with all girls at your feet. Better girls. Not someone as fat and chubby as how I am now. He didn't need to be with me. I'm just not worth it. I'm not worth to be with someone as wonderful as Harry. He wasn't coming back. I laid my back on the couch and let the tears fall. My face had turned red from all the crying. I closed my eyes and pictured Harry in my mind when suddenly the door clicked open.

"Hey love, guess what- Oh my, Jess, what happened?" Harry came back and threw loads of bags that were in his arms to the floor near the doorstep. He ran to me, and helped me sit up. "Whats wrong, babe?" He wiped away my tears with his thumb and pulled my into his arms. "Shh. I'm here" I gripped onto his shirt, digging my nails into it. "I thought, ... you had.. gone" I managed to say in between the sobs. Harry pulled away and cupped my face. His eyes looked hurt and disappointed. "Jess, I would never leave you. You know that." "I'm sorry I judged you. I just got scared all of a sudden." He nodded, "Its alright, its the mood swings. Its normal."  I rubbed my face and smiled at him. "So where were you all this time?" I whined. He bit his lip, and looked over to the bags next to the door. A huge grin appeared on his face.

He walked over to the bags and got them to me. "Haz?" I eyed him with a confused look, "Whats in these?" He smile widened. "Shopping." I gasped. "Harold Edward Styles, you went baby shopping without me. That's just unfair." I pouted and attempted to peek into the bags, but he pulled them away. "Oh come on. I was really bored and this seemed like something fun to do. Besides, you have no idea how cute some of these clothes are." He began rummaging inside the bags, shifting things when something clicked me.  I caught his arm, "But, Haz, we haven't found out the gender of the baby yet. Remember, we decided to wait till its born." Harry's eyes widened. He scratched the back of his head, and gave me a cheeky smile. "Harry!" I shrieked. "Hey, its alright, whatever the gender is, I got clothes that a boy and girl, both can wear." He gave me a reassuring smile and I sighed out in relief. Harry pulled out a few tiny pieces of clothing. More like baby sized Ramones and Hipsta Please t-shirts and some Oxfords of the smallest size available.

"No way," I muttered under my breath and then glared at him. "Our baby is not wearing any of those. Its not gonna be dressing up like you." I pointed at him and screamed.

"Please, Jess" Harry made his signature puppy dog face, which he and I both knew, I couldn't resist. What have I gotten myself into?

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