•You fall asleep on him•

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Jet lag was killing you. After flying in to surprise your boyfriend, Harry, at one of his shows, you found yourself hardly being able to stay awake and the show hadn't even started! You felt terrible, but the time difference and long flight you had taken wasn't doing you any favors.

You sat in the dressing room with them as the boys slowly got ready for the night, having about an hour before they had to take the stage. Harry had been busy most of the day, but you tried your best to stay awake for his sake.

"Y/N, which one should I wear?" Harry was holding up options Caroline had pulled for him to wear onstage, always turning to you for advice. He wanted to look the best for you even though he could wear the dingiest pair of jeans and he would still be beautiful.

"I like the first one, babe." You had your arm propped up on the couch's arm rest, your head resting in your hand as you started to fade in and out of sleep. Harry walked over to you, giving you a chaste kiss on the lips before excusing himself to get dressed.

Music was playing as Lou and Caroline were making sure the crazy lads were dressed in time for the show, but no matter how loud the room was, it didn't stop you from completely falling asleep.
When Harry returned, making sure he looked extra sharp for you, he couldn't help but laugh as he saw you completely slumped over on the couch, your eyes closed. He knew you must have been jetlegged after the long flight, he couldn't blame you.

He walked to you and leaned down, tucking a piece of stray hair out of your face before kissing you on the lips, the action causing you to jump and wake up.

"Are you going to be able to make it, Y/N?" He teased as you swatted the curly haired boy away from you and stood up, determined to keep yourself awake.

"Hey, bring her onstage tonight - that should wake her up!" Niall joked from the corner of the room causing everyone to break out into laughs. Harry took a seat on the couch, wrapping an arm around you and bringing you to his chest. You hid your blushing face in Harry's shoulder, completely embarrassed for falling asleep.

"Hate to break it to you, but you probably won't be getting any sleep tonight either." Your boyfriend whispered into your ear with a smirk as you finally caved and broke into laughter yourself.
"We've got a bit of time before the show, just rest, okay?" He mumbled to you as you nodded and snuggled up against his hard chest and slowly closed your eyes.

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