•New student •

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check this link for the masterlist of this amazing writer. she's honestly amazing. love her xx

check this link for seeing this imagine in tumblr.


You're reading a book under the tree, enjoying yourself. This is your favorite time of the day because you get your "me time" without your annoying classmates around. Just perfect relaxing under a tree with a perfect book. Everything's perfect. Beside you is your juice and your things kinda scatter around.

You're about to flip the page when a voice boomed in front of you and you looked up at the speaker...

"Hiii! Excuse me, can you help me?"

You felt gobsmacked and frozen at the same time. It's Harry Styles. He's so handsome and sexy but yeah, you can't fangirl in front of him. You don't want to cause commotion and you just want to keep the low attention you get. Well, in fact, all of the eyes of the spectators are now in your direction. You can see from your peripheral view some squealing girls, some jumping and some are whispering and smiling and laughing and pointing at you. 'Well, that looks creepy', you thought.

"Um, miss?" his voice intruded your thoughts and you almost forgot he's still there. You looked at him and you felt your knees weak. you wonder how could those stares affect you a lot.

"A-are you talking to me?" you asked dumbly.

"Well, I don't see anyone nearer to me now than you?" he said and you smiled at his sassiness.

"I'm sorry, I was just too distracted," you said and let out a soft laugh. "So, what can I do for you?"

"Well, actually, I'm new here. Could you tell me where the conservatory is? I think I'm kinda lost right now," he says as he looked down on his map.

"Honestly, that map won't bring you anywhere here. That's inaccurate as ever," you said and gather your things. You stood up after fixing it and Harry just eyes you.

"I'm going to my dorm which just had the same route with the conservatory, I could walk you there," you said then looked at him. You see glee in his eyes.

"Really? Thank you so much. You're very kind," he said and you started walking. The conservatory is somewhat far so you decided to hold a conversation for a while.

"So, what brings you here?" you asked and you can see his expression.

"Why? Don't I have the rights to study?" he said then smirk.

"No, I mean, why here of all the universities?" you asked then laugh.

"Well, maybe because you're here?" he muttered as he looks on the way.

"Excuse me, what?" you said disbelievingly. You both smiled and you shook your head.

"You know what, you're good. You don't squeal," he commented out of nowhere and you nod, proud of yourself being able to contain the fangirl in you for the record of time.

"Well, if I shouted and squeal, I think I can gain nothing. Plus, maybe you won't talk to me," you said and he sort of agreed by smiling.

"Yeah, like I just want to go to school, live normally and have friends who don't squeal at my face," he said then looked at the ground.

As you walk, you pointed at your left side and spoke.

"Look, this is one of my favorites spots here. Well, if I'm not on the dorm or on the spot where you first saw me earlier, I'm here, under one of those aligned trees. It just kinda relaxes me," you told Harry and you can see interest in his emerald eyes.

"That's beautiful and peaceful. Few students hang out there," he commented and you nodded. You walk a little more and you reach your building.

"That's the Engineering building, that's where I belong," you said and pointed out a building to your right.

"That's huge," he commented as he looked at it.

"Not really," you said and you can see amazement in his eyes. Honestly, you felt like you're with a toddler. So you laughed and he caught you.

"What? Sorry, new student," he said then shrugged. And you just nodded and proceed with your walk.

"Are we still far?" he asked and you shook your head. In fact, you're just a few steps away. You stopped once you reached it and pointed it to Harry.

"There's the conservatory," you said and you can see his expression. He almost drool after seeing the great architecture shown in the building.

"Wow, just... wow. Impressive," he said and you nodded proudly. You're so proud of your school.

"A few more walks and it's my dorm," you said and he looked at you.

"So I can visit you more often, I guess?" he said and you looked at him disbelievingly with a smile.

"Well, I think we can go out sometimes," you felt your cheeks burn with flames and you just smiled on the ground. You tried to switch his attention back to the building.

"Isn't it beautiful?" you asked staring at the building.

"Indeed, very beautiful," Harry agreed but when you turned to look at him, he's actually looking at you.

Harry Styles ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now