•Dirty little secret•|smut|

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Another fucking great smut,from " I hate harry styles

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Another fucking great smut,from " I hate harry styles." In tumblr. The name of the part is :

"Dirty Little Secret" - A Daddy!Harry Styles Smutty One-Shot

Heres an A/N from the person who wrote this(Incase you want more smut from her):

i'm caro and i muse far too often about harry styles! i'm basically on this website because i write smut about that lil nugget harry styles and include a healthy dose of that cutie's face/body spam.


I'll keep you my dirty little secret.

"Wasn't the ceremony just beautiful?" Sophia sighed happily after we were seated at our designated table, and Harry pulled my chair out for me like a gentleman before sitting down to my right.

"Oh, it was absolutely perfect. Can you believe [Y/N] here caught the bouquet? I guess that means you two are next!" Robin winked from his seat next to Anne, causing me to nearly choke on my champagne.

"I, um, we haven't really talked about...that yet," I stammered, relaxing slightly when Harry placed his hand on my knee and squeezed it lightly in reassurance.

I was uncharacteristically nervous being in the presence of so many important people in the boys' lives in such an intimate setting, and I wasn't in the right frame of mind to even think about Harry and I taking the next step in our relationship, much less discuss it with everyone on Jay and Dan's wedding day.

Harry, having sensed my unease at being put on the spot, immediately turned the conversation to the stunning cake and rustic decor, leaving me to take a moment to down the rest of my glass and collect myself. He was so good at reading me and always knew exactly how to make me feel as comfortable as possible while I continued to adjust to life as Harry Styles' girlfriend; like then, when he drew slow circles on my upper thigh as he chatted mildly with the other guests at our table.

After another glass of champagne, some time to loosen up, and safely away from the prying lenses of the ruthless paparazzi toiling around outside the perimeter of the park, I was feeling much more relaxed and finally ready to let loose and have some fun.

But I wasn't the only one.

The waiters were walking around with plates of appetizers and I was deep in animated conversation with Sophia about the floral arrangements Jay designed herself when I felt Harry's fingertips sliding ever so slowly up my thigh.
I attempted to angle my legs away from him so that Harry would get the hint that he needed to calm down, but his nails dug into my skin the moment I tried to move, keeping me in place. Shifting my sight slightly to the right I saw Harry use his free hand to pretend to reach into his pocket, when in actuality he just subtly adjusted the tablecloth so that it was now covering my lap from view of anyone who would happen to walk by.

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