•Wedding series •

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  You watched as your boyfriend pushed your carry on bags into the overhead compartment. You smiled at him as he sat down beside you, resting your head on his shoulder "Thank you for this" you whispered. Harry had surprised you with a holiday to New York for just the two of you...let's just say you were indeed surprised. Pretty soon you were up in the air and as you hit 35,000 feet, Harry told you that he needed to go to the bathroom. A few minutes after he left, the announcement system made a noise and a stewardess' voice came over the speakers. "Ladies and gentlemen we have a Mr Harry Styles" your eyes widened and you let out a little laugh as you heard some girls scream from behind you. "Who would like to say a few things" She must have handed the phone to Harry as his deep voice took over the plane. "Um, hi...before I start I would like to ask my beautiful girlfriend (Y/N) to come up here" You flushed red but you stood up anyway, making your way up to the front. Harry appeared from behind the curtain, still holding the phone to his mouth. You opened your mouth to question him but he started speaking into the phone. (Y/N) I love you. When I first saw you, you took my breath away and I now know that you're the girl I want to be with for the rest of my life. So basically..." he dropped the phone, bending down on one knee. You gasped as he produced a beautiful ring from his pocket. "Will you marry me?" he asked, beaming up at you. Tears blurred your eyes and you let out a little laugh before nodding, letting Harry slip the ring onto your finger. He grabbed your hands and pulled you to him, trapping you in his tight embrace. "I love you (Y/N)" he whispered. 


  "Come on (Y/N). Hurry up and get out here!" Eleanor yelled, sending the other two girls into fits of giggles. You huffed, looking in the mirror "No. It looks stupid!" You heard Danielle scoff "I bet it doesn't. Now get out here or we'll come in!" You groaned but threw the door to the dressing room open. You looked at the three girls. Danielle and Eleanor managed to keep their laughter in. Perrie on the other hand was full on cackling. "Told you" you sighed, sitting down across from the three of them "This is impossible" Again, Danielle scoffed "Sweetie maybe this isn't the right shop. We have plenty more to look in" You nodded, glaring at Perrie who was just managing to calm down. "What?" she asked "You guys have to admit she did look pretty funny" They nodded in agreement and you smiled sarcastically at them before getting up to get changed.  


  "Before we start I'd like to ask something" Harry said to the woman who was helping you pick out your cake. "Of course. What is it?" she asked, sitting down across from you. "Is it possible to have a cake in the shape of a cat?" He asked, a serious expression on his face. You looked at him in horror "Harry we are not having a cat shaped cake!" He laughed slightly "Yes we are (Y/N). We discussed this" You stared at him some more "No" He placed his hand over your mouth to keep you from saying anything else. "Don't listen to her. She doesn't know what she's talking abo- (Y/N) did you just lick my hand?" You did it again and he quickly pulled his hand away, wiping it on his jeans. "How about this" you started "How about we have a little cat on the top with us?" He pondered your suggestion silently before smiling at you "Deal"   


  You were lying awake in your bed, Harry snoring softly beside you. You looked over at the clock and saw it was half past two in the morning. You sighed and looked at your sleeping fiancée. You were hit with a chilling realization that you would be spending the rest of your life with him. Could you do that? You closed your eyes again, willing yourself to sleep when you imagined Harry singing a little baby to sleep at night. You saw him playing with the child as they got older. You opened your eyes, rolling onto your side so you could cuddle up to him. He stirred slightly, wrapping his arm around your waist. "You okay?" he asked, sleep coating his voice. You nodded, moving closer to him "Just stupid things running through my head"  


   Everything was ready. Everybody was in place. Your mum appeared at your side as you stood wit your dad. She pushed a piece of hair behind your ear "(Y/N) if you have any doubts on the way down, you just turn around and march right back up that aisle" You laughed "Mum I don't plan on having any" The music started to play and your dad's grip tightened "That's our cue" You took a deep breath and started walking. Harry was stood at the other end of the hall, his eyes locked on you as you gracefully made your way down the aisle. You weren't used to having all these people looking at you. When you reached Harry, your dad kissed your cheek and shook Harry's hand. "You look incredible" Harry whispered, taking your hands in his. The ceremony went smoothly and when the priest said it was finally time for Harry to kiss you, he moved his hands to your waist and placed his lips on yours. You were finally Mrs Styles.   


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