•Angry Mistake•

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Follow  @ h8izzy ! The writer for this amazing imagine.

Harry and y/n have been arguing for months. They'd be happy one minute, and the next they'd be screaming at eachother for no reason. They argued for hours and hours, and it always resolved to tears and silence. But it was never this bad. It was never as bad at was about to unfold, and they both knew the worst was comming.

"This isn't what I asked for, Y/n" Harry sighed, rubbing his hands along his face.

"No you didn't, Harry, but you asked for a relationship!" Y/n yelled.

"And I wanted a good one! Not a relationship where I feel like I have to isolate myself to just you! Sometimes I would love to go out and do some stuff myself!" Harry roared back, sitting up in his chair so that he can face her.

"Harry! You go out every single night! Without telling me or without even texting me back when I ask you where you are! So do not sit down and complain about bullshit like that!"

"But I shouldn't feel like I have to text you or tell you! Don't you understand? You're so clingy and I just want you to—" Harry stopped himself, catching his words before he could release them.

He knew that if he let the words he wanted to say come out of his mouth, it will be the end with her. The thought sent chills down his spine. He hated the thought of her leaving him, leaving him to fight by himself, but something about her tonight made him so angry. He felt as if she isn't whom he has fallen in love with, and that scared him.

"Wish I would what, Harold?" y/n spoke through gritted teeth, saying every word slowly so she could be clear.

She knew what he was going to say, she knew perfectly, she just didn't want to believe it. She didn't want to leave him, but she knew, as well as Harry, that she will.

Harry bit his tongue, not wanting to spit out his feelings. But he was so angry with her—so angry, that all he wanted to do was take out all his anger the easy way.

"You are the biggest fucking bitch I've ever met, do you know that? I can't even take a damn step out of my own house without you crawling up my ass. You think I wanted a realtionship like this? You think I wanted a relationship with someone like you? Yeah? Well you're fucking wrong. I hate you. You leaving will be the best fucking part of this relationship. I hate you so much I'd rather see you leave then not see you at all".

Harry froze at his own words, not realizing what he said until it all spilled out. In his heart, he knew he didn't mean to be so harsh. There was no way he could hate her, he admired the concern and love that she provided him. He, himself, hadn't had a clue as to why he even had the own strength to say that to her.

Y/n just stood there, her tense body becoming weak. Her fists unclenching, her shoulders slumping, and her eyes softening. The words hit her hard, harder than she thought. She never expected him to say something like that to her, and she wasn't ready for it.

She loved him, she loved him more than she loved herself, and deep down, no matter how much the pain hit her, she knew that she had to do what she had wanted.
But him hating her? It was like a stab in the heart. She physically could feel her heart falling apart within her. It was a pain that nobody could ever imagine. It's worse than could ever go through.
She took a deep breath, almost out of anger as she looked away from him. Tears were welling up in her eyes, but she couldn't give him the satisfaction.

"Then watch me" she whispered, walking to the closet to get her coat.

Harry stayed put. He had no idea what was going on, it was all moving too quick for him. He loved her. He never hated her, never felt what he had said to her. He was just so frustrated with everything happening to him lately. So frustrated that he felt like he almost had to do that.

"Aren't you going to fucking watch me?" Y/n screamed, throwing her shoes frantically onto her feet.
He couldn't. He couldn't watch her step out of his life like that. He couldn't see the last moments of her in his life, and then leave like none of it was real.

"Stop" Harry whispered, hanging his head low, "Please, stop".

"You want to watch me leave so badly, then I'll fucking leave the second you look at me!".

She was now angry. Angry because she couldn't make him love her. Angry because she had no idea where to stay after she left. Angry because of all the lies Harry had told her. She was angry, angry at this relationship.

"LOOK AT ME!" she roared, revealing a side of her niether one of them knew existed.

Harry flinch, closing his eyes slowly as he turned his body around. The more movement the more pain he felt.

He opened his eyes, now looking straight at the crying, brokenhearted, angry woman he once fell in love with. The sight of her there looking as if her world had just crashed beneath her feet, because of him, was the worst sight her could ever possibly see.

The next few seconds seemed to be a blur to the both of them, but she was now pressed up against the wall, her body being held by his as he forcefully kissed her. It was agressive, almost out of anger or regret from the both of them. She was weak compared to him as she tried to push him away, which was so useless in her defense.

"Don't push me away" Harry growled, attaching his lips back onto hers.

"No, Harry, stop!" she yelled, trying to push away from him,

"Stop just stop!".

By now, she was in full hysterics. Crying out everything from tonight. Crying out everything she feels; everything she heard.

"You hate me" she whimpered, whipping  her tears off her now crimson cheeks as she looked at the floor, "You said you hated me. That was the first feeling you've admited to me".

He gasped, reality hitting him so hard he, himself, wanted to cry along with her. He hasn't expressed his love for her for so long, he could hardly remember the forgein words escaping his lips in his memory. He felt so disgusted with himself. This wasn't him. What was going on hasn't been the real him, the true him, and he knows now that this has to be fixed before it becomes too broken.

"You know I love you. You know that" he whispered, grabbing her face in his hands ass he slowly kissed her forehead, a reassuring action.

"I've been so angry lately. You know I love you. Don't you?".
He placed his forehead against hers, playing with her hair gentley around his fingers that sent a series of chills along y/n's skin.

"I don't know, Harry" she whispered, inhaling his intoxicating scent.

He nodded, kissing her forehead again, knowing now, he's loved her more than anything.

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