•Mornings and Raphael•

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Sup. The hoe is back. I'm back. Sorry for being dead too much now. But it's summer, hopefully I'll stay alive now. (Yes, I wrote and finished this in summer, but didn't upload it till now bc i hate it but meh i will write better in the future )

I'm not very proud of this imagine, but I wrote it in two hours so excuse me. I swear I'm coming with better imagines. I have ideas I can't even wait to write. BRING SOME MILK CUZ THEY HOT HOT HOT!

.... which I hope I write and not go dead again hehe.



Harry's (A.k.A an angel) point of view.

On the eve of opening my eyes completely, I felt my cheeks getting poked by a small, itsy-bitsy finger. Without hesitation knowing it belonged to my precious little angel. My Darcy, my sunshine. Waking up every day with her sitting on my chest and waking me up with her adorable ways —as much as I love sleeping— was like waking up in heaven. Not only that, but craving to catch sight of my lovely wife's heavenly face. Every night, I slept the latest, reading Darcy's bedtime stories, making sure everyone was tucked in peacefully and safely, every door locked, all 13 teddy bears of Darcy present next to her, and stoves, injurious electronics turned off. After all that, I could enjoy just watch my wife sleeping. As creepy it sounds, there was nothing better than watching my wife sleeping to my hands playing with her hair and trailing kisses all over her beautiful face. I slept late to enjoy the alone moment I had with her and woke up earlier to the thought of seeing her again.

"Daddy wakey, the sun is out. Time to Photosynthesis." In my half sleep-half awake mode, I laughed along with [Y/N]. Not intending to insult my little angel, but as much as smart she is, she's dumb to the same extent. Darcy was top in her class, but the fact that she was top in grade one shouldn't be forgotten.

"Darcy, darling. Daddy can't photosynthesize." [Y/N] added whilst laughing, which made me open my eyes to see her laughing face. God, it was like looking at stars in the night time. If Darcy wasn't near at hand, I'd just grab her face and kiss her till her lips get swollen.

"That's because he doesn't wake up early! Dad-d-d-d-y, we have to take Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino to photosynthesize!"

"Darce, baby. Raphael doesn't need to photosynthesize as well," From time to time, I'd instantly feel bad for the English Cream Golden Retriever, who was named after Darcy's favorite painter. Whenever I had to cry in shoots, and couldn't—obviously to the fact that my life is too perfect that there was nothing to cry about— I'd just think about how she called her dog, Raphael, by his full name in public and start crying on the spot. "People, even animals don't photosynthesize. Only plants do."

"Give me a kiss to wake up," I said, finally speaking. Darcy leaned down to kiss me, and instinctively I uplifted my face to make it easier for her. Darcy being Darcy, had to kiss the weirdest place. My eyebrows. Scrunching her face, she waited for my kiss. Which was multiplied by 5 kisses on her cheeks. "How's my angel doing today?"

"Not photosynthesizing is what I'm doing today."

"Angel, you never photosynthesize to start photosynthesizing today." I gently played with her hair, brushing the tangled parts away with my finger.

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