•He takes your shirt on tour with him•

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   You're mindlessly checking Twitter, practically stalking the boys' pages in an attempt to find out what they've been up to. They are away on tour, making it difficult to get to talk to Harry. It's been three days since you last had a proper conversation with your boyfriend, so you've turned to Twitter to get any clue as to what's been going on in his life. Things seem pretty quiet, nothing more than the usual "great show tonight" type of tweets from them. It's not until you land on Liam's page that a particular tweet catches your attention. "@Harry_Styles trying to take a nap" is all the tweet says, so you click on the accompanying link, knowing someone must have been doing something funny. The picture loads to reveal a picture of Harry sprawled out on a bed and Louis belly-flopped on top of him. It takes you a moment before you recognize your t-shirt stuffed around a pillow that's wrapped in Harry's arms. You giggle and punch out a quick tweet. "@Real_Liam_Payne @Harry_Styles So that's where my t-shirt went! I've been going nuts looking for that, Harry xx" Liam is the first to reply, saying, "@yourtwittername @Harry_Styles He likes to pretend the pillow is you when he's sleeping. He says it helps him sleep when he misses you haha" You smile to yourself when you read this message. As you start to type out another tweet, one from Harry comes through. "@Real_Liam_Payne @yourtwittername It's only because I love you so much babe ;) x" You laugh, replying, "@Harry_Styles @Real_Liam_Payne You're lucky I love you because that's my favorite shirt!! Xx" "@yourtwittername @Real_Liam_Payne I know, that's why I took it x" comes his response a little while later. "Well then in that case, I guess I can forgive you. Love you! Xx" you send back. Before Harry has a chance to reply, Liam does. "@yourtwittername @Harry_Styles Can you both stop mentioning me in all of these tweets? I'm starting to feel a bit dirty! Haha" You roll your eyes goodnaturedly at this, pleased to know that Harry does such mushy things in your absence.  

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