•technical difficulties•

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The flight was taking longer than you wanted and there was nothing to do besides read a book or watch the boring movie that they had put on for everyone. The man next to you was sleeping, as were about half the other people on the plane.

You were going to visit Harry while he was on tour and the excitement was making you go insane. It had been about two months since you had seen him and the two of you decided that you would fly out during your birthday week.

"There are some technical difficulties going on with the plane so we are going to have to cut the plane ride early and fly into the nearest airport. We are very sorry for the inconvenience." The announcer said.

You look up from your book and were about ready to yell but knew that wasn't going to help anything. You picked up your phone, ready to text Harry, but then remembered that there was no service. The man next to you woke up due to all the commotion of what the air attendant said.

"What's going on?" You hear him ask.

"Technical difficulties. We are flying into the nearest airport." You say.

About thirty minutes later and you were flying into an airport that was about an hour away from the other one. It had to have been something serious and everyone kept saying that yall were lucky the plane didn't fail and crash into something.

You took your phone out to call Harry but then you realized that your batter was dead. You groan in frustration and head over to one of the public phones but there was a massive line. The weather was horrible and many people were calling their loved ones and telling them what was going on.

You walked over to another one of the phones but there was a line their as well. It was clearly going to take awhile so you walked over to luggage claim and waited there. The area was crowded and everyone was trying to get their bags. You couldn't believe how crowded the airport was and you wanted to get out of hysteria and into Harry's arms. You were two seconds away from asking someone for their phone when you found a public phone and practically sprinted at it, your luggage dragging you down. The extra pair of clothing and shoes you brought was seeming stupid at the moment.

You dialed Harry's number and he picked up, frantic clear in his voice, "Natalie?!"

"Harry! I'm stuck in this airport that's like an hour away. I'm sorry, I tried calling but my phone is dead and there are like a million people in the airport." You say.

"I went to the airport where you were supposed to land but they said there were technical difficulties and told me where to find you and I'm on my way. Meet me outside in about ten minutes." He says.

You hang up the phone and pick up your luggage, heading straight for the doors. You were happy to be leaving this crowded place and you walked out into the summery, air. It was dark out and you could hear grasshoppers in the bushes. Many people were rushing in and out of the doors, looking for their loved one. It was pouring out and was defiantly going to be a good thunderstorm.

"Natalie!" Harry's familiar voice calls from your left.

You turn to your left and see him practically jumping out of the car and running straight to you. Worry was on his face and it looked like he had tears in his eyes. His arms wrapped around you and you instantly felt happy.

"Why are you freaking out so much?" You ask.

"I thought you were hurt! The airport said that there were technical difficulties and they didn't know if the plane was landing but they knew where it was and I panicked and I was just worried about-" He was talking very fast and you suddenly realized why he was freaking out. You cut him off by kissing him and you felt his arms wrap around your back and pressing him closer to you.

"I love you Harry." You say while breaking from the kiss.

"I love you too Natalie." He says with a grin.

You smile up at him and then his head lowers down to press his lips against yours again.

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