•He's jealous of you modeling with a guy•

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I shouted through our apartment as soon as I closed the front door. I kicked my ankle boots off and proceeded to run towards the bedroom. Harry had gotten back from LA the night before so would have been pretty jetlagged. When I pushed open the door leading to our spacious bedroom, I smiled to myself at the sight of Harry sprawled across the bed on his back-his tattoos visible because the duvet had been tossed on the floor. I watched the butterfly on his chest heave up and down gently, his rhythmic breathing the only sound in the apartment we'd recently bought together. I really didn't want to wake him because it was such a cute sight, but I was dying to share my news with him. My feet sunk into the cream carpet as I made my way over to our king sized bed in the middle of the room.

As I ducked my head I pushed back Harry's curls so I could place a kiss on his forehead. My hear melted when I saw a small smile grow on his face as my lips touched his skin.

"Mm, morning babe," The raspiness of his voice when it was draped in sleep still made me tingle, even after 2 years together.

His eyes slowly peeled opened, revealing the windows to his soul, as he pulled me onto the bed with him.

"You look happy," He murmured into my hair.

"That's because I am!I was out for breakfast with Gem and I got a call from my agent," I rolled onto my stomach and propped myself up on my elbows next to Harry, "Calvin Klein want me to model for them!"

Harry's tired quickly widened and he swiftly sat up, pulling me into a hug.

"No way!Y/N, that's absolutely amazing!I'm so proud of you," He smothered my cheeks with soft kisses before planting one on my nose which tickled.

"I know, right?! I couldn't believe it!I think I made Gemma jealous when I told her I'd be shooting an intimate shoot with Oliver Cheshire."

I noticed Harry's face drop when I mentioned Oliver's name-one of Dolce & Gabbana's favourite male runway models.

"I hope you meant Olivia not Oliver?" Harry laughed nervously, failing miserably to hid the jealousy that was present in his voice.

I rolled my eyes as I let out a sigh, "Harry," I used a warning tone.

"What?I just don't get why you would want to be so close to a half naked man that isn't your boyfriend..."

Scoffing in disbelief, I stood up off of the bed and folded my arms across my chest.

"Do you not understand how great of an opportunity this is for me?"

He shuffled himself around awkwardly, eventually standing up wearing nothing but black Calvin Kleins which proved to be very distracting. Glueing my eyes onto his face as to not get side tracked, I cocked my heads sideways.

"Why would you even be jealous?You know I only have eyes for you."

He wandered over to me and placed my hands in his.

"I just don't like the thought of another man all over you. I'm not happy about it," He shrugged it off as if it was something casual.

Not believing what I was hearing, I dropped Harry's hands and backed away slightly.

"You're not happy with me being given the biggest opportunity of my life?" Anger had made it's way through my veins.

"I'd be a lot happier if there was no man involved," his voice was raised slightly.

"I sit here whilst you travel the world and have all these gorgeous female friends and I'm completely okay with it but you're not happy about this?" I threw my hands up in despair, "thanks, Harry. Thanks for being such a supportive boyfriend."

I took one last look at Harry-who didn't even seem fazed-before exiting the room and heading for the front door.

"Y/N, look, I'm sorry."

Harry grabbed my arm before I left our apartment and pulled me towards him. Reluctantly, I met his gaze.

"I'm a jealous idiot, I know, but I am really happy for you," he placed a kiss on my forehead.

I shook my head and rolled my eyes, "You shouldn't be worried, Harry," I began to ran a finger along the waistband of his boxers, watching him squirm slightly as he hated my teasing, "I've got my own Calvin Klein model right here."

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