•drug addiction•

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Omfg I had an account with 1.4k and my followers so active, and it just disappeared over night, tf. why instagram.

not mine.credits to the owner.


"You have a problem Y/N. We're trying to help you!" Harry said as you cupped your hands over your ears. You didn't want to hear what he or anyone had to say. You didn't want to be a part of their irritating 'intervention' and you surely didn't want to get help for a problem you apparently had.

Nearly the entire country of England was sitting in your living room and it made you want to scream. Your parents, siblings, grandparents, close relatives, Harry, Zayn, Niall, Louis and Liam were all scattered around your living room. At this point they may as well have invited the queen. It was rude of them all to confront you about a nonexistent problem in your own house nonetheless.

"I don't have a problem," you began and Harry shook his head. "Don't you do that to me Harry! Don't you pretend that you know me better than I know myself. I don't have a problem...you do!" You didn't know where you were going with this argument but you figured you'd ride it out and see where it would take you.

Harry raised an eyebrow and the room fell silent. "You always feel like you know what's best for everyone and you don't, not this time. I'm perfectly okay and I don't need help."

Harry shook his head once again and tried to hide the tears from welling up in the corners of his eyes. For over years you've been dating Harry and not once have you seen him cry. You bit down on your lower lip and tried to stop your own tears from falling down your cheeks.

"God damn it Y/N," he said harshly. "We all love you. We love you so much and we don't want you to kill yourself. You doing this to yourself is like taking a gun and shooting yourself. You're killing yourself and we're not going to stand for it."

By this point hot tears were pouring down Harry's cheeks along with your parents and grandparents. The emotions in this room were too raw and real for you and all you wanted to do was drown out your pain in prescription painkillers...oh god. Maybe they were right. Did you have a problem?

You wiped your eyes with your sleeves and opened the front door and ran out. Your mind wanted you to bolt down the street but your legs stood in place. You had no choice but to sit down on your porch and close your eyes.

The sound of the front door opening was inevitable and sure enough it happened. Harry came out of the house and sat next to you. He placed his hand on your knee and stroked it with his thumb.

"I know this is the last thing you wanted to come home to and I'm sorry that it's very overwhelming but we're all worried."

"Harry I-"

"Let me finish, please." Harry continued and you shut up. Perhaps you should hear him out. "We all love you so very much and every time your pop a pill or do some other self destructive thing you are killing yourself. You're harming yourself and you're shedding years off of your live. I love you more than anyone I have ever known and it kills me seeing the woman I fell in love with get consumed in an addiction." He paused to wipe the tears from his eyes and your heart broke before your eyes. You reached out a carefully wiped the lingering tears from his eyes as if you touched him too rough he'd break.

You've never seen Harry so fragile and it made you feel like you were the cause of it. Hell, you were the cause of it. You broke him and it hurt to know you did this to him and everyone in that house.

"I'm sorry," you choked out between cries. Your vision grew clouded from tears and you continued to yell out the words. "I'm so sorry Harry. I'm sorry. I didn't want this to happen." He pulled you in his arms and engulfed you in a tight embrace. Harry's hug smelled like home and was more comforting than any amount of painkillers could ever fool you to believe.

"I'll be here you through it all Y/N." He said firmly. "I mean it. I'm not giving up on you as long as you promise me you won't." You nodded and continued to soak his shirt with your tears.

"I won't give up," you said between sobs and he kissed your head. "I love you." You croaked out.

"I love you and I'm not giving up on you, ever."

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