• prom•

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I found my new fave harry imagine account hahah.


(Reference: Y/N- your name; Y/B/N- your best friends name)
Prom night was fast approaching and I still needed to get a dress...and a date. But the latter was the least of my worries because I needed a dress first! Y/B/N and I decided to go shopping on a Saturday afternoon on the hunt for the perfect dress.
We headed into every possible store we could find, but it was no use. No dress would fit right, or the color was just way off. I was not satisfied with what I was seeing and I was feeling exhausted and frustrated. This wasn't supposed to be such a difficult mission. It was supposed to be fun and exciting. After trying out the last two remaining stores we had decided to go into, I just felt like giving up for the day.
"Oh come on, Y/N! We can't give up now." Y/B/N said. She was right, we should keep looking, but what's the use if we don't find anything.
"Why don't we just move on and look for the dress another day?" I said, hoping she would give in and we could head home.
"Nope! We have to try one more store! Let's go." She said. I gotta admit, I do admire her determination.
We head into the final store which looked a little rustic and run down. I looked through a few of their racks and find really old vintage 1950s dresses. I asked the shop owner if they had anything more "modern." She said they had a rack of dresses that just came back as beauty pageant rejects from the 2005 Miss America pageant. What an odd way to describe them, I thought to myself. I thanked her and told Y/B/N that I would be at the back of the store. She replied saying that she would be looking for a dress on the second floor. I headed to the back of the store where the dresses were.
"I can't believe these were considered as rejects! They're gorgeous." I whispered, but someone overheard me.
"What's that?" I hear someone say from one of the dressing room.
"Oh sorry, I was just talking to myself," I replied to the mysterious voice. I didn't notice the dressing rooms right next to the rack of dresses.
"Okay. But now that you're here. Can you give me some advice on what this looks like?" The voice replied back.
"Sure, I–" I couldn't finish my thought when this tall, handsome curly haired guy stepped out of the dressing room, wearing such an odd shirt. It was mostly black with gold patterns all over it. He faces me and seems a little surprised. Why is he surprised? He looked at me with piercing green eyes, expecting an answer from me.
"That's certainly different" I replied, looking for words to describe the shirt but nothing else came out.
"Haha, I guess. It's vintage Versace. I don't think I'll get it. It might too much," He said while smiling. His smile was so captivating.
"I agree, I think it is too much" I smiled shyly at him.
"Hey–I think I've seen you before," he states. "I think my school is next to yours!"
"Really?" I reply back, that's weird I've never seen him before. I would have definitely noticed a face like his. 
I continued to look through the racks hoping my conversation with this guy was over. I had my eye on this beautiful pink floor length dress with a silver corset. I thought I'd try this one on. I grabbed it while looking at it to see if it would be the right size.
"That would look lovely on you" He said to me.
"What?" I said turning to face him.
"The dress. I think it would look great on you." He repeats.
"Oh thank you. I was thinking about trying it on"
"Go ahead!" He encourages.
Oh god. Am I really going to try this dress on for a stranger? I looked at him with raised eyebrows, questioning him.
"I showed you the weird shirt, now it's your turn." He states, while smiling at me. There it is again, that white teeth all american boy smile. He was truly beautiful.
"Okay.." I agreed reluctantly. 
I head into the dressing room and put on the dress. He was right, the dress was beautiful and it fit just like a glove. I walked out of the dressing room, and he's standing there looking through another rack of clothes until he notices that I was waiting his reaction.
"Wow.." He stated breathlessly.
"It's that supposed to be a good "wow" or a bad "wow"?" I asked, not reading his expression correctly.
"It's–you look beautiful in it." He states while walking over. He reaches to grab my hands and twirl me around to get the full view.
"I think this is the one." I say grinning. I'm so happy I finally found the dress. "Thanks for the help!" I say to him and went back into the fitting room before I heard his reply.
While changing, I remembered that I never got his name. He's probably gone by now. I rushed out of the fitting room and I bump right into him. He holds my shoulders to keep me from falling.
"Hey be careful there," he states while still holding me.
"Sorry about that, uh–I didn't get your name" I say while looking up at him. The more I stared at him, the more gorgeous his features got. He had a strong jaw bone structure and when he smiled his eyes would crinkle in the cutest way.
"It's Harry. What's yours?" He says smiling wider, he must have noticed how I was struck by his beauty.
"Y/N. Nice to meet you Harry" I say, trying to recover from such an embarrassing moment. Why do I have to be so awkward?
"Beautiful name, for a beautiful girl." I blush a little. "So what's the dress for?" He asks.
"It's for my prom." I say.
"Oh, and who's the lucky lad that gets to take you as their beautiful date" He asks, so boldly.
"Uhm–thank you but I don't have a date yet." I coyly reply.
"That can't be! We must fix this now!"
"What– what do you mean?" I'm confused now.
"Y/N, if you would allow me the pleasure of being your date..."
"Wait...you literally just met me and.." I replied but he cuts me off before I finish the sentence.
"I know..I know, but I can't take my eyes off of you and I'd really like to get to know you." He replies back, looking at me expectantly and I think I know the answer he was looking for. But I don't know if this is the right thing to do.
"I–I don't know what to say." I replied back. I was in shock but I definitely felt the same way about him.
"C'mon, let's take a chance," He says. His phone starts ringing. "Oh no.. I completely forgot," he states while looking at his phone. "Listen, Y/N. Here's my number," he grabs a piece of paper and a pen from the counter, and quickly jots down his phone number. "Here you go, please let me know if you accept. Please. I've gotta go now, it was lovely to meet you and I hope to see you again." He quickly hugs me and then runs out the door.
This was definitely the strangest encounter I've had. Ever! He was so beautiful and captivating, it didn't even feel real. I'm brought back from my thoughts when I see Y/B/N coming downstairs.
"Hey I was waiting for you! What took you so long?" She asks. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine. I found my dress, and I think...I got a date." I look at her with a wide gaze, not knowing how she would react.
"What?! You have to tell me everything!" She states.
"C'mon let's go" I laugh while heading to the cash register to pay for the dress. Looks like my luck might just be changing.

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