•Daddy makes mommy's pain better•

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"Mumma, up! Up, Mumma!" Your one year old looked up at you with those doe, green eyes that she acquired from her father. Her little fingers retracted into fists as she extended her arms to you. Slowly, you opened your eyes, seeing the space next to you lacked your curly-headed husband. "Mumma, wake! Up!" Darcy squealed again, fingers retracting over and over again at a faster pace as she grew more frustrated.

"Good morning, my love," you whispered, voice slightly hoarse from just waking up. Darcy whined again, causing your arms to encircle her waist, pulling her onto the bed with you. Immediately, she giggled in excitement, curling around you and your slight extended belly. "Careful, baby girl. There's a baby inside Mumma's belly."

"Baby?" Darcy looked down at your slight pregnant bump, pointing to it.

"Yes, baby," you nodded, kissing her forehead. "Just got to be really careful, so you don't hurt your little sister or brother.

"Baby!" Darcy squealed happily, pulling your shirt up to press a slobbery kiss to the skin of your belly.

Your heart warmed with the sight. "You're giving Baby some kisses? Where's Mumma's kisses?"

Darcy giggled causing a smile to curve your lips as she moved up to press her lips to yours, a smacking noise sounded as she pulled away. "Kisses for Mumma!"

"Thank you, Sunshine," you pulled her close, peppering her face with kisses, laughing as her giggle chimed through the bedroom.


"Dadda!" Her voice was shrill, tears running down the contours of her face. Harry's presence had been nowhere to be found for the entirety of the day, and this was the time where you needed him the most. Over the course of two weeks, Darcy has been ailing a slight ear infection. Nothing too drastic, but she's required a dose of amoxicillin everyday after lunch. And she absolutely hated the liquid antibiotics. Tantrums were thrown as she refused to open her mouth, small lips clamped tightly shut.

"Darcy, baby, you have to take your medicine," you attempted to soothe, bringing the cup holding the antibiotics closer as she sat on the kitchen counter in front of you. As soon as she saw it nearing her, she screamed out, moving her head to the side so you couldn't reach her mouth.

"No, Mumma! Dadda!" She cried, her little eyes growing puffy with her distress.

Your eyes began to sting a little bit, witnessing Darcy's distress. You rubbed your free hand over your face before taking a deep breath. "I don't know where Dadda is, munchkin. But please take this medicine for Mumma, and then we can go watch Strawberry Shortcake. How's that sound?"

Her bottom lip quivered as she looked at you. Her upper cheeks and eyes were red and puffy from her crying, the tip of her nose growing red as well. It shocked you on a daily basis how much she resembled her father.

"'Shortcake?" She whimpered, attention peaking at the mention of her favorite show.

"Yes, my love. All the Strawberry Shortcake your little heart desires. But you have to drink this for Mumma first," you reasoned, moving the medicine to her eyesight.

Darcy looked at the liquid, nose scrunching up in distaste. "Icky, Mumma."

"I know, sweet pea. But it makes your ear feel better," you smiled, pressing a kiss to her left ear. Darcy giggled at the feeling before looking at you a bit, opening her mouth to finally allow you give her the medicine. "That's my girl," you praised, watching as she swallowed the medicine before grimacing at the taste.

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