•Frat boy•

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beautiful imagine written by Samantha,Check out her masterlist,It's amazing x

You wished you were anywhere but sitting in your psychology class. You were twiddling your thumbs and scrolling through your phone as you sat in the seat you had taken to. Outside you could be basking in the warm sun and light breeze but you were to be held up in a room filled with air condition and immature college boys sitting behind you.

Speaking of college boys the biggest and most popular one walked into the room. Being a frat boy came with some perks apparently.

You could sense him before you looked up. All whispering had stopped and his voice was speaking loudly. He wanted all eyes on him and you weren't going to one of them. He wasn't worth all of the hype but welcome to college.

The girls around you began to whisper and you begrudgingly lifted your eyes a fraction to see a black snapback and red plaid covered frame just a few feet away. You rolled your eyes as you heard his chuckle reach your ears.

It didn't help that his seat was diagonally behind yours and you would have to endure 2 hours of him telling his friends about all of the head he had received before class. It sickened you to hear how he would talk about things sometimes and you didn't want to be anywhere around him.

You had tried having your seat moved but the professor was colder then ice and stricter then your mother, and that was saying something. So you were set to endure the hell brought upon you and you were counting down the days until you could get out of this class.

You were no shy school girl though. You had many friends and were a social butterfly when you wished to be. Though you could be confident all you wished you were still innocent as ever and it was easy to see as a blush would spread easily over your cheeks at the mere mention of anything not PG.

You could feel his eyes lock onto your form but you kept your head down and averted your eyes to your phone as he shot daggers into your back. His friends quieted when he spoke up and you could feel your heart race.

"Hey kitten." His voice was deep and raspy. It caressed your ears as you sat in the padded chair with your fingers tapping the wooden desk as you toyed with your phone.

You refused to turn around and it wasn't until a paper ball hit your back that you did so. You knew your angry expression was clear on your face as he smirk widely. His straight white teeth were just barely showing from between plump pink lips and that didn't exactly help your cause.

"Can you once in your life call me by my name and grow up?" You asked him in exasperation and he shrugged. Really a paper ball? What were the both of you, two freshman in high school still?

"You'll always be kitten to me." You cringed at the nickname and rolled your eyes. The fact of the matter no matter how much of an asshole Harry was, you still enjoyed the nickname against your will.

"Is that what you call all of your 'friends'?" You asked lightly, trying to play it off, and smiled sweetly at him but his face hardened and his reply was sharp.

"No it isn't. I save that endearment for you kitten." His face relaxed and his eyes stared straight at yours. You shook your head and checked your watch to see class would begin any moment when the professor came in.

He once said that he called you that because you reminded him of a sweet little kitten. All nice when you wanted but you still had teeth to bit with and claws to scratch with.

You took a deep breath and you set up your laptop and the background you smiled fondly at. It was a group of all your friends and yourself in front of your old school.

"Who're they?" He asked as he leaned forward in his seat. If you sat back in yours you were sure to feel his minty breath hit your neck.

"My friends and they aren't single." You told him sharply as you brought up a blank document.

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