•You're a waitress at Anne's wedding•

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"You might wanna stop staring,mate," Liam's whisper snapped me back to reality.

Unknowingly,he'd followed my fixated gaze.

"She's so fit," I spoke truthfully,as the waitress was the most beautiful girl I'd laid my eyes on.

"I don't think you're going to get her number by just staring at her,Haz," Liam laughed.

I rolled my eyes in annoyance at him,turning back round to see that the girl had disappeared. I groaned internally before swigging my drink.I decided to go and wander outside into the sunset,excusing myself from Liam's company.

Your POV

"I just can't get over the fact we're surrounded by all of One Direction,Y/N!" I couldn't help but laugh at my friend's excitement. I agreed that it was pretty cool,but I hadn't interacted or really seen any of them as I was too busy serving the food.

I stood outside the venue with my friend,Amy, as she used the break to have a cigarette. As a non-smoker,I stood next to her awkwardly,trying not to inhale any of the smoke.

"I'm just going to the toilet."

I excused myself from Amy and made my way back inside,bumping into someone as I made my way round the corner.

"Oh wow,I'm so sorry!" I bent down to pick the person's phone off of the ground,startled slightly when I looked up to see Harry Styles looking into my eyes.

"That was my fault,I was being antisocial," he pointed to his phone,"Are you okay?"

The genuine concern in his voice made me blush slightly,especially as his attention was solely focused on my face. I quickly assured him that I was fine,stepping aside to let him continue his path. I was confused slightly to see him shuffle his feet awkwardly,his hands pushed into the pockets of his black suit jacket.

"I'm sorry,I didn't even introduce myself. I'm Harry," he gestured his hands towards me.

"I know,I'm here for your mum's wedding," I pointed to my work uniform before shaking his hand,feeling slightly thrilled by his touch,"I'm Y/N."

I always thought that if I met any of the One Direction boys that I'd become an embarrassing nervous wreck,but I was completely at ease in Harry's presence-his smile making me feel comfortable.

"So,Y/N..." he pushed a hand through his tame curls as a cheeky grin spread on his face, "now that you've dropped my phone,you know you've got to put your number in it?"

My sleep was interrupted by the message tone of my phone going off. I'd only just drifted off to sleep, so I was puzzled who would me texting me after midnight. Freeing my arms from the warmness of my duvet, I stretched over to my bed side table, retrieving my phone. I squinted slightly when I pressed the unlock button, the brightness of the screen hurting my eyes.

Just wanted to make sure you hadn't given me a fake number. H x

Suddenly feeling wide awake, I grabbed a pillow and covered my face with it-letting out a muffled squeal. Pushing my pillow off of me, I couldn't wipe the grin off of my face. The day before I was preparing myself for working at a wedding-something I did most Saturdays- and now I was texting Harry Styles? It was crazy. Inhaling deeply in an attempt to calm myself down, I quickly tapped away a response.

It was so tempting considering you so rudely walked into me x

When I'd been told by the catering company that I worked for that I would be a waitress for Anne's wedding, I hadn't thought much of it. Although I knew One Direction would be there, I wasn't expecting to be within a close proximity of them. Yet there I was, talking to Harry Styles after he had asked for my number. At first I thought he was joking, but when he practically forced his phone into my hands I felt obliged to enter my number into his contacts. We didn't get the chance to say anything else as he had been called to give a speech and I had to get back to work. For some reason I'd decided to keep it to myself, not really wanting to make a big deal over it even though, of course, it was a huge deal.

I checked the time- 1:32AM. Thankfully it was a Sunday so it wasn't like I had to be up early. I had a feeling that Harry had gone out after the wedding, well that's what I assumed anyway. Although I wasn't a huge One Direction fan, I had read a lot about Harry. The overall impression portrayed in the media was that he was a womaniser, something I thought was harsh because Harry was romantically linked with any woman he was seen with. Even though we'd only exchanged a few sentences, he'd put me at ease and his presence was so comfortable. I hadn't quite gotten the head around the fact he had asked for my number. Why had he? The chances of us seeing each other again were so slim considering he was always travelling. Just as I was drifting back to sleep, my phone started to ring. I fumbled around trying to find it within my blankets, not wanting to wake my brother or parents up with my ringtone.

"Hello?" I hadn't recognised the number.

"Y/N?" My heart skipped a beat when Harry whispered down the phone.

"Why are you whispering?" I whispered back.

"It's almost 2AM, I don't want to wake my sister up," he breathed down the phone, causing my stomach to do flips.

"Um, then why are you ringing me?" I tried my best not to sound like I wasn't happy he had rang, I was just confused as to why he was ringing me if he was at home.

"I can't sleep...and I wanted to hear your voice," I was touched by how genuine he sounded.

On cue, I let out a stifled yawn which prompted Harry to let out a low chuckle down the line. Was he trying to kill me?


"Just a bit," I yawned again.

"Oh, I'll let you g-

"-N-n-nooo," I was quick to intercept, "we can carry on talking." I could hear him smiling through the phone.

"Have you always lived in Cheshire?"

I nodded but then realised he couldn't see, "I have, Holmes Chapel and proud."

"Well where were you when I was growing up?!" I realised he was joking when he let out a laugh, "No,seriously. Why have I never noticed you?"

Confused, I bit my lip.

"Why would you?" My voice became more quiet as I grew more tired.

"Well... you're- you are very, very nice."

Before I replied, I fell into a deep sleep.

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