•laughing gas•

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Not mine. credits to the beautiful owner, I give myself no credit.


"But...it'll hurt. A lot," he whines, staring down at the letter. "Not with the pain meds they'll give you...and the laughing gas." "But Y/N..." "Harry, you have to go." He got the letter this morning in the mail. A confirmation, for Mr. Harry Edward Styles, to have his wisdom teeth removed on the letter's set date. "Can't I just go a little longer without having this done? It'll be a hassle," he groans again. "You would rather wait for your giant wisdom teeth to come barricading through your gums and bar your mouth from ever closing or eating?" "Shut uuuuup you're making it worse!" Harry cries from the couch. You sigh and take both his and your cups of tea to the couch, handing him his cup first. "I set it up for this weekend for a reason Harry. You guys will be back traveling very soon, and with the album dropping next month, you'll be far too busy. This way you can get it over with and be done with it." "But...but..." You crawl into his lap, setting his tea down on the coffee table. "I'll go with you, okay?" "O...okay," he sighs. "Promise?" You peck his nose to make him smile a bit. "I promise."


He's been in there for an hour so far. You know you shouldn't be worried, but getting Harry into the car might be a problem. He's like a tall, gangly tower, and if he crashes...God knows you won't be able to pick him up off the pavement. You've just started biting your thumb nail when the doctor comes out. A slightly older woman with honey blonde hair and teeth too big for her small, smiling face. "He's all set to go. The gauze will need replacing frequently, and he'll need to take his medicine on time to avoid pain." "Thank you...can I take him home?" "Of course dear. The nurses are still in there with him, but you can go see him." You stand up quickly and jog into the room, finding two nurses handling metal tools...and a very swollen-mouthed Harry. He looks dazed, but not in pain, and he tries to smile at you. But with the gauze and the natural swelling, he looks like a sad little chipmunk. "Oh Harry..." "Y/N, heeeeeey," he says coolly. "Fancy seeing you here." "He's still a bit...out of it from the gas. Had to give him a little more than usual," the nurse says, trying to hide her giggle. "How you feeling baby?" "Oh just chipper. I feel like a chippy chappy, 'm so well Y/N, just so so well..." "Uh huh," you chuckle, pulling out your phone. You press the red button and wait a moment. "So this is Harry, just gotten out of surgery. Wisdom teeth are gone forever!" "They're gone? I've lost them?!" Harry asks alarmed for a moment. "Oh no...I could've sworn I had them somewhere...shhhhh don't tell Liam he'll be so cross with me!" You giggle and turn the camera towards your own face. "Laughing gas does wonders." "Y/N, you wanna hear a joke?" You make a scared face at the camera, knowing just how many horrible jokes you were in for, and stop the video.

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