•He makes you insecure 2•

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Harry: When you opened your eyes you were so confused. You looked around your surroundings and it all came back to you rather quickly. You remember everything. Having your amazing meeting, coming home excited, hearing Harry say he agreed with Taylor, going back and turning down the offer, fight with Harry, you remembered it all. You stood up and decided a shower was much needed. You walked up the stairs to your room and you wondered where Harry could be. You let out a sigh when you opened you door. When you looked up you were speechless. Lying on the bed was one of the biggest bouquets of red and white roses you have ever seen.  When you looked up you were in awe. Hanging from the ceiling were tons and tons of balloons. When you looked closer you noticed there were pictures hanging from each one of the strings. You walked over to one of the balloons and picture of the picture. You gasped when you saw a picture of your eyes that you've never seen before. Something inside you told you to turn the picture over so that's exactly what you did. When you turned it over in simple hand writing it read, "Your eyes are one of my favorite things about you. I couldn't get lost in them every time I look at you. I wish you saw you like I did."

You walked over to the next one and when you picked up the picture you were looking at a picture of your lips right after you put your favorite pink lip gloss on. You turned over the picture and it said, "I love your lips. The way they feel against mine and the way they shine when you put on your favorite lip gloss."

"You know." You heard from behind you. "Every single picture is of you and on the back it talks about something I love."

"When did you do this?" You asked shocked.

"Not long after I left." He whispered walking over to you. "I came back home and got right to work."

"It's beautiful." You whispered.

"I need to say this." He began taking your hands in his own. "I know I'm the worst boyfriend in the world. I'm so sorry. I'm sorry I put my foot in my mouth today and hurt you. That was never my intention. I'm not going to make excuses. I said what I did and while I was saying it I didn't even realize it was coming out. You are the most beautiful girl I have ever met. And you can do anything and that includes being a model."

He turned around and grabbed a box before walking back over to you.

"So these are for you." He whispered handing you the box.

You took the box from him and opened it smiling when you saw three cupcakes that said "I'm sorry."

    "Thank you Haz." You smiled hugging him tightly. "I love you so much."

"So am I forgiven?" He asked hopeful.

"Yes." You nodded laughing.

"Well then I have two more things for you." He whispered smiling.

He walked over to the dresser and picked up two more boxes. He handed you the first box and smiled.

"Haz." You whispered. "You didn't have to. You've done enough."

"Open it." He smiled like a kid on Christmas.

You smiled at him and opened the box. When you opened it you found more cupcakes but these were spelling out Congrats.

You looked up at him confused and before you could ask what those were for, he opened and handed you the last pink box.

You put down the cupcakes and took the box from him. Inside the box was your modeling contract. Instantly your eyes filled up with tears. You looked up at him with another confused look on your face. He reached out and wiped the tears away that fell and said, "When I left here, I went to the modeling agency and explained to them that your boyfriend was an asshole and I asked if the offer was still on the table. They said yes so I took the contract home. All you have to do is sign it and the job is yours."

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