•Fighting with his ex•

9.3K 101 32

My first imagine has reached 1k, oh my god, and you guys are so great x I wish you would just commented too :( but anyways, That is amazing oh god!! and what made me tear up was the fact that @Deeanna_CXD added this is her absolute favs, that made my day, but so does your votes x Thank you for everything x Thank you for reading these imagines, thank you for adding this to your reading list, or library, Thank you for voting and sometimes commenting. I really appreciate everything you guys do for me.This is nearly really close to 30k readers and 2k votes and 600 comments, that is so- GOD, I can't thank you guys enough. I love you all so much x


make sure to check he navigation or masterlist x


Dating Harry Styles and being a musician yourself was very hard. But you guys learned to deal with it very quickly and you adapted. Whenever you guys had days off, one of you was flying out to see the other person wherever they might be and vice versa. So both of you were beyond excited to have a week off together in New York City. You were currently sitting down at a table in Starbucks waiting for Harry to get you a coffee. You were lost in your thoughts when you heard a soft voice say, "Y/n?!"

You turned your head and smiled when you saw a beautiful little girl no older than five years old standing next to your chair.

            "Hi there sweetheart." You smiled. "What's your name?"

            "Emily." She began tears filling her eyes. "I'm five years old and I love you. You're my favorite singing ever. You and Harry are so adorable together. Can I have your autograph please?"

            "Of course you can sweetie." You smiled pulling one of the napkins out of the dispenser on the table and grabbing a pen out of your purse.

            "Thank you so much Y/n." She smiled as she began to cry. "You seriously are my favorite person ever."

Before you could say anything to her you heard a familiar voice from behind you say, "Making little girls cry I see."

You didn't even need to turn your head to realize who spoke those awful words. Kendall bitch janitor

            "Don't you have another person to bitchy about?" You questioned not even looking at her.

            "Ha ha, very funny." She rolled her eyes sitting down across from you at the table.

She turned her attention away from you and to the little girl in front of you.

            "I'm so sorry she was so mean and made you cry." Kendall began rubbing the girls arm up and down. "Would you like and autograph sweetie?"

The girl pulled her arm back from Kendall and shook her head no before saying, "I'm all set. I don't want your autograph. I just want Y/n's."

            "Listen here you little brat." Kendall began raising her voice towards the young girl. "I'm much more successful than this, whatever it is you people call her. So I suggest you take my autograph over hers."

The little girl eyes began to cry and she ran away back to her mother who was watching from a table away. Your eyes went from the little girl and flew back to Kendall You were appalled at what you heard come out of her mouth and you weren't going to stand for it. You didn't care if you caused a scene.

            "How dare you." You screamed. "Don't you ever treat one of my fans like that ever again. She did nothing to you. I suggest you leave, now."

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