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The Goose Bumps Start To Raise
You woke up to the sound of frozen rain hitting the window. You instinctively pulled the duvet closer to your chin, snuggling into the warmth. "Excuse me, Miss Blanket-Hog." You heard Harry grumble as he tugged lightly on the blanket. Feeling a little bit mischievous you pulled the blanket more, making Harry sit up. "Oh, that's it." You screwed your eyes shut and faked sleep. Suddenly, you felt fingers digging into your sides and you screamed as Harry proceeded to tickle you. You started wiggling, trying to hide from his prodding but he put a leg on either side of your hips and held you in place under him.

"You're crushing me!" You said, pushing at his chest. He smiled down at you and tried to tickle your neck. You scrunched your shoulders up and he went back down to your sides. You tried to pull his hands away but he was stronger than you. You fought through giggles as he slowed his tickling. "Get off!" You frowned at him, trying to hide your laughter.

"No!" He said, grabbing your hands as you tried to poke him back. He twined his fingers with yours and pulled them out to sides.

"Please?" You tried, giving him your best sad puppy face.

"No. Not until you admit it." He resolved.

"Admit what?"

"That you're a dirty blanket hog!" He accused. He had a mock stern face on and it made you giggle. "Don't laugh at me, you thief." He dropped your hands and pulled his tightly across his chest as he furrowed his brow while looking down at you. You took your hands and walked them up his thighs and then dragged your nails back down. You were pretty sure that Harry was actually part dog because whenever you scratched his back or played with his hair, he turned into jelly. This time your trick didn't work. You changed gears and sat up a bit. You dragged your fingers down his chest and stopped at the top of his pyjama bottoms, hooking your fingers into the waist band. You looked up and his eyes were on your hands. You pulled your fingers down an inch.

"I'm awfully sorry." You bit your lip when he looked down at you.

"No, you're fucking not." He scolded, voice suddenly impossibly deeper. The smallest hint of a smile on his lips. You raised your eyebrows in challenge. "You're evil." Harry exhales and rub your thumbs up and down his V lines.

"I didn't mean to steal the blanket." You cooed up at him. His eyes were closed. You grinned and tickled up his chest. He slumped the mattress next to you and then pulled you on top of him.

"Now who has the blanket." He said, voice still impossibly low.

"I think the blanket is just in the way." You shrugged. You moved to get up. "But if you really want the blanket, I'll leave the two of you here while I go have a shower." You made sure to swing your hips on the way out. You weren't even all the way to the bathroom when you felt his hands on your waist.

"Let's just forget about that blanket." He whispered in your ear.

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