•His mom doesn't like you•

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Preference: his parents don't like you. I changed all to  Harry's lol.

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Harry: Anne shakes your hand as you walk through the door. You're meeting Harry's mom and his step dad for the first time. "You have a lovely home" you say to Anne. She smiles. You four sit down at the dining room table. "So (Y/N), Harry tells me that you're in school, what's your major?" Anne asks cutting into her roast beef. "I'm in school for Cosmetology, I wanna be a makeup artist. I just find makeup so fun" you reply. Harry slowly strokes your thigh. Anne coldly laughs. Harry shoots her the meanest look. You've never seen Harry look angry. "(Y/N)'s a phenomenal piano player" Harry says. You just shyly look at the ground. "Well that's pretty cool" his step father says sarcastically. "I think it is" Harry replies. "Do you have any brothers or sisters?" Anne asks. "Yeah I have an older sister. She's a nurse" you reply. "Harry, you should've picked the smart one" Anne says to her son, who's red with anger. "Mom!" Harry yells. He jumps out of his chair. "C'mon, (Y/N), let's just go" he says grabbing your hand. "Harry!" Anne yells as Harry leads you out of the house. As soon as you get in the car, you burst into tears. "Baby...she doesn't have to like you. I love you" he says wiping away your tears. "Wanna get ice cream?" he asks pulling out of the driveway.

This was a Niall imagine but I changed it to Harry.: "So where do you go to school?" Harry's mom Anne asked you, "I actually just started at the Royal College of Art because I waited a year after High School."Harry  squeezed your knee and you looked at him and smiled. "Well that sounds laid back.." Anne commented, Harry shot her a look. When you reached over to pass Harry the potatoes, your sleeve rolled up, showing the beginning of the tattoo on your arm. "Oh (Y/N), you have a tattoo?" Anne asked, noticing it. You pushed up your sleeve to show her the two dates and the word 'fighter' tattooed on your arm. "Yeah, my mother died of cancer a few years ago... The dates are the day she was born and when she died. Fighter is because she had been fighting it for a while..." Anne didn't make any more comments during the rest of the dinner. "May I use your bathroom?" you asked after dinner, "Of course dear, it's right around the corner there," she  pointed down the hall, "Harry, will you help me clean up?" Harry  nodded and you walked down the hall. When you came out, you went back to the dining room and you heard Harry and Anne talking in the kitchen. "So how do you like (Y/N)?" he asked, you heard Anne sigh, "... I don't." Your heart sunk and you put your hand over your mouth, trying not to cry. "But... why?" Harry seemed stunned, Anne put down the plate she was cleaning. "Harry.... She just doesn't seem like a very great person, she has tattoos and she just started college! What does that say about her?" Harry started to get mad, "My band mates have tattoos! You've never said anything about them! And I never even started college! How could you judge her like that?!" The tears started pouring down your face as you sunk to the floor. "Harry...." Anne started, "No! I love her! I love her more than anything. I think maybe we should just leave...." Just then a sob escaped from your mouth. Harry and Anne turned around to see you on the dining room floor, sobbing. Harry ran over you and pulled you up, wrapping his arms protectively around you. "(Y/N), listen to me, I love you so much. I don't care what my mom thinks, you're my everything," he whispered, kissing your head. He led you to the door and you two left.

This was Liam's but I changed it to Harry bc I'm cool.:"Hi mum," Harry greeted his mom Anne at the door. "Harry! Welcome home," she embraced Harry and turned to face you, "you must be (Y/N), I've heard so much about you." She smiled at you, taking in your fire truck red hair and piercings; you shook her hand "it's great to finally meet you." Harry took your hand and led you inside, "dinner isn't quite ready yet, why don't you sit down in the living room?" Anne said, walking back into the kitchen. You sit down on the sofa next to Harry; he puts his arm around you. "So (Y/N), you're from the US aren't you?" Harry's stepdad Robin asked you, "Yeah, I'm from Los Angeles, California. It's beautiful there." You looked up at Harry and he smiled, "That's where we met, I told you about that, remember Robin ?" "Oh yes!" Robin said, smiling. Anne came in and sat down on the chair across from Harry and you. She looked you up and down, "So what made you decide to dye your hair?" you half smiled, not knowing where this was going. "I'm not actually sure... I just love the color red, I feel like it's a strong color." Anne just stared at you some more, "And what about your piercings? What made you get them?" Harry frowned, "I don't know. I like them." You touched your nose ring, feeling sort of insecure. "Oh, well that makes sense, I mean why not?" Anne said sarcastically, smoothing out her apron. "I like them," Harry commented, starting to get angry. "Well, I don't know why, you've never had a girlfriend with face piercings until now... I don't even know why you ever left that sweet girl Taylor" You were horrified, a tear rolled down your cheek. Harry's arm tightened around you and his face got red, "how dare you say that to (Y/N), she's my girlfriend! I left Taylor because I didn't love her, I love (Y/N) and if you can't accept her than we'll just leave." He got up and took your hand, leading you out the door. You kept your eyes on the ground, not wanting to make eye-contact with Anne. Once you got in the car, Harry pulled you to his chest; you put your arms around his waist and started softly crying. "Shhhh... I'm so sorry (Y/N), I love you.." he whispered into your hair, holding you tight.

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