•Giving birth•

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The large sum of my belly sits on my crossed legs as I sit in front of the television. Harry is next to me his arm over my shoulder, his fingers tickling at my neck a little.

He only got home yesterday, leaving straight after his concert finished. I however had been here for a week already, Anne waiting on me hand and foot. Harry wanted me home early despite how much I was enjoying having him with me while I joined him on tour. The both of us didn't want to risk me going into an early labour and be half way across the world without my own doctor though.

"Everything all right?" He whispers, kissing lightly at my neck.

Anne, Gemma and Robin are sat on the other lounges of our house as we watch the movie that Gemma put in not too long ago.

"Yeah my back is hurting a little though, it's ok." I whisper back to him, Anne catching my words.

Sighing I drop my hand down to the bottom of my stomach rubbing just over my pelvis where I feel sudden pressure. Harry's hand sliding down to massage at my back where he knows I feel pain often. As Anne continues to watch us noticing where our hands are, she moves out of Robin's arms to sit down on the opposite side of me, making Harry look more nervous now.

"What type of pain are you feeling?" Anne asks, her voice pulling the attention of the others in the room.

Pressing down against the pain I answer her question. "It's a tight, kind of pulling pain." I groan out.

Uncrossing my legs placing them down on the ground, the pain grows stronger on my stomach and on my back. Groaning out louder in pain at the sudden movement, I grip Harry's leg tightly. I can feel my fingers digging into his skin through his jeans. I can see that it's hurting him but he doesn't show it he just rubs more at my back, pressing small kisses to my shoulders.

"Have you been feeling these all day?" she asks me now even more concerned, now that I've quietened down.

"Since last night, but never as painful as that," my hand rubs over Harry's leg, where I had my tight grip.

Gemma moves to sit on the table in front of me, her hands massaging my knee's as Robin walks towards the kitchen the movie being forgotten in the background.

She gives me a smile. "Sweetheart, you've probably started labour."

Harry tightens his grip on me at his mother's words. "I'm night due for more than two weeks."

Robin walks back into the room with a glass of water and he hands it towards me and I take a small sip before I hand it back to him. He gives me a small smile as he sits down on the back of the lounge his hand on Anne's back.

"Shouldn't we be going to the hospital then?" Harry asks his voice quiet his hand massaging over my stomach and back.

She shakes his head at him before she looks back towards me. "No, we need to wait. What you just felt was possibly a contraction. It's an impossible feeling to forget. The further together that they get then we'll go. You just need to relax." She breathes, getting me to copy her.

We all go back to watching the movie but I can still feel that all eyes are on me. Harry's hands haven't moved from me as he laid me down, my head resting in his lap. Seven minutes later, my finger nails are digging into the skin of Harry's hand as I hold as I'm hit with another painful contraction.

Anne checks her phone before she looks back towards me. "We should go now, there about seven minutes apart. They seem to be moving a bit faster than what I know."

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