•Sunday morning kisses•

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N O T   M I N E 

C R E D I T S    T O    G E EN A.
( she writes amazing baby imagines and pregnancy, also Daddyharry( in a cute way, not dirty.)



There was a gentle stream of overcast sunlight peeking through the curtains, as you rolled over into the cologne scented sheets that were still slightly warm from where he had curled up beside you. The sheets were wrinkled under your touch and the duvet pushed back on his side, but you noticed that he must've tucked the covers back around you securely, up to your shoulders so you wouldn't get cold once he'd untangled his arms from where they had encircled your torso, as you slept. You rose up on your elbow, glancing over the edge of the bed to find his loafer slippers missing from their usual resting place in the corner next to the closet. His cross pendant, missing from where it lay in a small heap on his bedside table.
You scooted over towards his pillow, letting your nose graze the soft fabric, swirling against it as you inhaled his soft, slightly spiced and familiar scent. It was something you didn't easily admit to many, but when he was away, for work or otherwise, you always slept with his pillow, holding it tightly and snuggling against it, leaving his scent misted over your skim, enough to make it feel as if he were holding you as he always did. Of course, he always stole one of yours for the nights away too. With a smile, you flopped back down against your pillow, managing to roll over to your back despite the constraints of the tucked in duvet, letting your limbs sprawl out across the expanse of the mattress, feeling the dips and curves of where his body had rested with your toes. With the room completely still and quiet, except for your relaxed breathing, you could hear bustling around the kitchen. The metallic clang of pans, and the teakettle and coffee pot percolating, dishes being rattled as they were lifted from cupboards and set down on the counter. You could faintly smell the rich, slightly bitter scent of coffee grounds, and the milky, sweet scent of butter, sizzling away in a pan on the stove. Reluctant to get out of bed, and lose the warmth created in the safe cocoon of the bed sheets, you nestled down a little further for a few moments longer, savoring the last bit of heat before throwing the duvet back and tossing your legs over the edge of the bed, shuddering as the mildly cold bedroom air hit your heated arms and your skin prickled. You groaned groggily, stretching your heavy, sleep-laden arms above your head and wiggling your toes You spied one of Harry's baggy crew-neck sweaters slung over the back of the lounge chair set against the main bedroom window. Soft, with a touch of fleece, the fabric worn and pilling from countless washes. Where he had tossed it last night before climbing into bed, whining softly at how cold the house was now that the fall weather was well in full swing. The air a little crisper and the dreary rain moving in. There had been a rainstorm during the night, and as you peeked out of the curtains, you noticed the back garden was particularly soggy.
You pushed your arms through the thick sweater, letting the excess fabric tumble down around your waist and hang to the middle of your thighs, being momentarily enveloped by his scent all caught in the collar, your eyes slid closed, enjoying the swirl of fragrance, like a good morning embrace before you'd even said good morning to each other. You let the sleeves bunch up at your wrists, before padding across the floor and out into the browning butter and coffee scented hallway, descending the stairs groggily, knuckling your eyes with your free hand that wasn't sliding along the handrail, you could hear soft murmuring mixed with the kitchen sounds. You rounded the corner, drawing back when you saw Harry at the stove, his back to you as he slid some eggs around a pan, Darcy on his hip, babbling brightly to him in her sweet and slurred baby talk. You folded your arms across your chest, content to watch them. 
At just a little under sixteen months, she was just starting to intermix words among the near constant babbles, really finding her voice, but that didn't stop her from holding her own little conversation whenever she had someone's attention long enough, and Harry was always happy to oblige, reveling in the stories she told him. Eyes completely focused on her, soft and in-tune, holding her in his space, looking no different from when he held a conversation with anyone else. He was wholly enamored by her, looking at her with total adoration and deep interest in the things she had to say. Always engaging with her, answering throughout their little conversations and changing his facial expressions as needed, when she made something sound especially exciting. And she would look back at him with complete wonder.
"Is that so?" Harry asked softly, giving the eggs another stir. "Did you really?" He muddled around the kitchen, letting her continue to explain something to him happily. He popped a couple pieces of bread in the toaster, before sliding over to the refrigerator for a bowl of strawberries he had stowed there earlier and a container of yogurt, setting them both out on the breakfast nook table. "Are we making breakfast for Mummy?" She babbled excitedly and he laughed lightly, bringing her in closer to kiss her temple. "You are just full of stories this morning, aren't you, my love?" He lifted the lid on a pot of oatmeal bubbling at one corner of the stove. Darcy clung to the fabric of his worn band t-shirt with her chubby hands, up near his collarbone, falling quiet for a moment as her eyes rested on the side profile of his face. He'd dressed her warmly in a fleece jumpsuit on top of her pajamas, and her wispy hair was sticking up wildly, much like his hair was, but she was cozy, snuggled into his side. He dropped another kiss to her forehead, reaching over for a sip from his mug sat on a section of counter next to him. Darcy watched him curiously, whining lightly and trying to lean over to steal a sip of her own from his morning tea, her mouth hanging open expectantly.
Harry chuckled, brushing his fingers over her hair. "Did you want some tea, snuggles? How about we get you some juice, hmm? How does that sound?" He went to find one of her sippy cups, and the jug of apple juice, pouring a generous amount into the pink, plastic cup and securely the lid in place one handed. She lifted one hand from his chest, whining impatiently for the cup.
"It's coming, I promise," he murmured, bouncing her on his hip, giving the lid one final tightening, before handing it to her, where she took a hearty guzzle, wrapping her fingers around one of the handles on either side, letting it hang loosely. Harry held his hand under it make sure it didn't go cascading to the kitchen floor as it slipped from her grasp. He went back to tending to the things on the stove, humming lightly and rocking his hips side to side, making her giggle. "I've got sunshine, on a cloudy day," he sang lightly, looking over at her. "When it's cold outside, I've got the month of May." He nuzzled his lips into her cheek, as he danced them around in a wide circle along the perimeter of the kitchen, twisting and turning, keeping his grip tight on her, and the babbles were replaced with giggles and affectionate coos. "I guess, you'd say, what can make me feel this way? My girl. Talking about my girl." He kissed her cheeks and she took her slightly sticky fingers, placing her palms on his cheeks and pulling his face to hers. He smiled, kissing her nose and then peppering a few more kisses to her face, with tiny, playful growls. "Do you love Daddy's kisses?"

She pursed her lips together to make a cooing sound, grabbing his chin, and leaning forward to give him one of her infamous slobber coated, slightly open-mouthed baby kisses, just below his lower lip, smiling proudly.
Harry laughed, his eyes crinkling, and once she pulled away, he wiped the baby drool from his chin with the back of his hand.
"I love your kisses more," he hummed. "You give the best kisses, sweetheart. Do you like hanging out with Daddy in the morning, hmm? Should we make it a date?"
She stared at him for a moment, before cuddling tighter into his side and dropping her head to his shoulder.
"Oh," Harry cooed, rocking them softly, his hand tracing up and down her back with a delicate touch. "I love you, snuggles."    
You pushed off from the wall, padding into the kitchen. "What are my two favorite people doing in here?" you asked. Harry spun around, smiling widely at you, and Darcy doing the same a moment later.
"Who's that?" Harry whispered down to Darcy, jostling her a little. "Is that Mummy?"
Darcy made a nasally giggle sound, reaching out towards you. "Mummy," she squeaked, still sounding a little clumsy, and mumbled, but it was there.
You smiled, holding out your hands as you hurried forward. "Good morning, precious," you murmured, kissing her forehead, and running your hand over her cheek and then through her mussed hair. "Did you sleep good? Are you giving Daddy some loves? Are you cooking some breakfast together?" You looked up at Harry, who was smiling tiredly down at you. "You could've woken me up, I would've come down to help you do all of this." You gestured to the breakfast production taking place.
Harry shrugged, smiling softly at you, and as he did so, continued rocking Darcy on his hip. "I wanted to let you sleep," he said lovingly. "And I wanted to spend time with my little lovebug for a while."
You nodded; feeling your heart clench at how much love was radiating from Harry's eyes and dripping from his words.
"Good morning," he whispered.
"Good morning."
Harry leaned in to give you tender kiss, puckering his lips. He tasted like tea and cinnamon against his lips, that were slightly chapped, as you started to pull away, you peeked one eye open to see Darcy watching you both exchange the kiss with intense curiosity. It was something you did frequently, she'd seen you both exchange kisses, hugs, light touches, it was something you wanted to make sure you exposed her to, gentle, affectionate love. But this morning she seemed particularly interested, watching your movements, her head cocked to one side, blinking slowly.   
"Did you want some tea?" he asked, as he started to pull away.
You nodded. "Yes, please. It smells good in here, honey. I can do it."
"No, I'll do it for you, babe. Thank you." He reached down to squeeze your hip. "Enjoying my jumper?"
You smiled, looking down sheepishly at your feet. "It smells like you, and it's really warm."
Harry smiled, leaning in to kiss the tip of your nose and run his fingertips over the collar.
"It looks good on you," he whispered lowly.   
Darcy started to whine, her lips quivering as he started to move away from you, and he quickly froze in place, turning back around to face you.
"What?" he hummed, sounding alarmed at his daughter's sudden distresss. "What's the matter?"
She whimpered, reaching out towards you, with a concerned expression.
You frowned, stepping closer. "What's going on, baby, what's that face for, huh?" Her disgruntled look deepened, and she reached out, further, grabbing onto your cheek and trying to pull your face towards Harry.
Harry laughed. "I think she wants us to kiss again, babe."
You smiled. "Do you like Mommy and Daddy kisses?" Harry leaned in closer to you, giving you another gentle peck on the lips, you both looking over at Darcy for approval, with raised eyebrows. She stared at you both for a moment, looking unimpressed, so Harry leaned in once more to kiss you again, this time, as he pulled away, he trailed a kiss on your jaw.
As he pulled away this time, she grumbled, puckering her own tiny bow lips, as Harry had, demanding the love be shared with her as well, eye faint eyebrows furrowing together.
You and Harry burst into a fit of giggles at her expression, before Harry obliged, puckering his lips and placing the softest of kisses against her lips, with an exaggerated smacking sound. She smiled widely, with a gurgling laugh, once he'd pulled away.
Harry could feel his face soften and his heart go mushy. "Did you like that?"
Darcy was quick to demand another, puckering her lips expectantly. Harry laughed heartily. "Would you like another one?" He leaned in to kiss her again, and her petite hand reached up to rest on his cheek, holding him there longer.
Harry nuzzled tickling kisses into her bloated belly once he'd given her another kiss, and she laughed, shrill and high-pitched, tangling her fingers into his hair.
"Mwah, mwah," she hummed, patting her hands on his shoulders, puckering lips and smacking them together.
"You want more?" Harry laughed, smushing kisses to her cheeks this time.         
You yawned, stifling a laugh as you shuffled over to check the food on the stove. "Looks like we've found her new favorite thing, babe."
Harry nodded, looking at his daughter fondly, and wiping the slobber off his chin again. "They're kind of gross and slobbery but so sweet and addicting, and I can't get enough."

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