•Cookies at 3 am•

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3 am.

Read on the neon pink digital clock. That's how late it was. I meditated on why I had woken up this late at midnight. The answer was given to me when I perceived the empty bed. Which was I dare to say to be shared with my woman? The first and foremost thing that came to my intelligence was how I should lean and carry her to bed. I was too comfortable to move.

"Did you fall from the bed again, baby?" I chuckle under my breath. [Y/N] was the most uncoordinated person I've ever laid my eyes on.
Falling was her daily routine. Her schedule runs like: Doing whatever she's doing simultaneously falling.

Gazing down to pick her up from the chilly floor — only to get astonished by her absence. It was 3 in the morning. Where could she have possibly gone?

"[Y/N]." I softly call out her name. It was half-witted for me to start agonizing over something so small. Nonetheless, it was 3 in the morning, why would she at any chance be gone at this time of the night?

Rubbing my eyes delicately — I search our room. I find nothing.

I check my message — search for any notes — call her phone, but still, nothing.

[Y/N] understands how much I worry over insignificant things. She wouldn't just leave the house without informing me. . . Would she?

[Y/N] has the tendency to always suddenly leave when she gets hurt too much. Did I hurt her that much to make her run away from me?

Was it something I said, Something I did?

After around 25 minutes of roaming around the house and calling out her name, I decide it's time to check Sky's house ( [Y/N]'s best friend) in case she's staying there to be away from me. I can't just let her leave without understanding the reason why.

But most importantly — It's not safe.

What if someone broke into our house and kidnapped her?

Without even understanding, my hands were grasping the cross necklace — inaudibly praying she's okay. I felt sick with apprehension. Anything could be happening to her. Just this morning, BBC reported two girls getting kidnapped. What if the same thing happened to my beautiful girl? The thought brought me a headache.

My keys were practically opening the door when I heard a soft giggle. Not just a soft giggle but my favorite soft giggle. My heart softened to her giggle.

And there she was.

Sitting behind the refrigerator — headphones in and the phone charging.

"Baby?" I breathe out. "Thank god you're safe, I was so wor— you can't even hear me, can you?"

The smell of cookies and some other baking stuff which I have no knowledge of hits my nose. All this time I had been oblivious to this smell. Taking the mint green cloth in my hands, I threw it on her head.

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