•same seats in a flight•

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"Is this D20?" A deep voice spoke as you peered up from your book. A handsome guy stood before you, his green eyes locking with yours. His perfectly sculpted features caught you off guard. When you realized you had failed to speak, you felt like a complete moron as he gave you a puzzled look.

"Sorry," you began as you smiled slightly. "Yes this is D20." He grabbed his bag and placed it down on the seat next to you. He pulled out a brown journal and a book which he placed on the arm rest as he put the bag in the compartment above you both.

While he was doing so, you couldn't help but peer at the book. To your surprise he was reading the same book as you. He's got good taste. You thought quietly to yourself as you averted your attention back to your book.

He plopped down beside you and placed his journal on the fold up table on the back of the seat in front of him. He opened the book to where he left off and began to scan his eyes over the page. You tried your best to focus on the book, but you soon realized you weren't really reading the lines on the page.

Bzzz Bzzz. Chimed your phone from your pocket. You jumped at the sudden vibration and pulled it out. It was a phone call from your mother. You placed the book mark back in your book and put it on the table in front of you.

"Hello." You said into the receiver. "Hi sweetie, did you take off yet?" Your mother said into the line. "No, not yet. We're about to soon, so I'll call you when I land." You said quietly, trying not to disturb the guys reading. "Alright, have a safe flight. Love you!" "Love you too." You said as you clicked the end button and placed your phone back in your pocket.

Before finishing the last few chapters of your book, you peered over at the guy. He had a pen in his hand and was jotting down something in his journal. He pulled the paper out and slid in inside the cover of his book so it peered out at the top. You thought nothing of it, so you proceeded to read again.


The end of the flight was drawing to a close. The entire flight was very quiet, almost too quiet. You had hoped for some form of conversation to occur between the two of you, but unfortunately nothing happened.

"Attention passengers, we have arrived in London. Please collect your belongings and exit the plane in an orderly fashion. Thank you for flying with us!" Called a polite voice over the speakers. The guy next to you got up and yet again placed his book on the seat. You followed his lead and placed your book down next to his. You grabbed your purse from under your seat. By this time the guy had already taken his book and headed out the plane doors.

A sigh escaped your lips as you grabbed your book and headed out as well. You found yourself inside of a coffee shop so you sat down and pulled out your phone and texted your mom quickly to tell her you landed safely. After that you dialed the number to a car company so they can pick you up from the airport.

You tapped your fingers anxiously on the cover of the book and you soon realized that it wasn't your copy. Your eyebrows furrowed as you opened the cover and found the piece of paper the guy next to you was writing on. It read:

Well, I'm sorry that I stole your book but I swear it was for a good reason. I'm not really a shy guy, but something about you made it hard for me to talk. I've spent the majority of that flight staring aimlessly at the words on that book thinking of ways to talk to you. This is my feeble attempt, but I'm not even talking to you so I guess that kind of backfired... but anyways, since you're going to be in London for a little while maybe you should give me a call and I can show you around, if you want to of course.

- Harry (###-###-####)

PS, you have a very lovely side profile, (you know because that's all I saw) I'd like to see the front view sometimes. Ouch, that was corny, with that being said. Call me sometimes. x

You found a cheesy grin grow across your face as you dialed the number quickly hoping to catch Harry before he left the airport. A raspy voice answered the phone and the two of you made plans.

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