•Christmas Lights•

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It washttp://imagine-that-one-thing.tumblr.com/post/38689572972/imagine-harry

Christmas Eve, and you, Harry and your daughter Darcy were sitting around the fire place eating marshmallows watching a Christmas movie. "Daddy what did you get me for Christmas?" "you'll have to wait until tomorrow to find out" "do I have to wait longer?" "yes just like I have to wait so do you" "hmm I'm bored daddy" she cutely says, "watch the movie" "seen it" she answers just wanting to be a pest. "Hey Harry?" you say, "yeah love?" "can I talk to you in the kitchen for a second?" you ask, Harry nods and you both get up and walk to the kitchen, "what's up y/n?" "why don't we take Darcy for a walk or drive to see the Christmas lights?" you suggest, "we can do that" he smiles, "Darcy go get your warm jacket" Harry calls out and you hear her running up the stairs to her room. Harry quickly leans in and kisses you before breaking away and you both walk upstairs to grab your jackets. "Where are we going mummy?" Darcy asks as you leave your room putting on your coat, "you will see" you simply respond as you pick her up in your arms, and take her out to the car, you place her in her car seat and wait for Harry to lock up. He hops in and starts to drive, "are we going to grandmas?" Darcy asks referring to Anne, "no we go there tomorrow" Harry answers focusing on the road, and Darcy starts to sing the few words she knows to a few Christmas songs. Harry stops the car, and park. You both get out and Harry takes her out of the car, he places her down and takes her hand, as he then takes yours. You all walk a little before you reach a street full of people admiring all the houses that have bright Christmas lights on their house. "wow look how pretty the road looks daddy" Darcy excitedly comments pointing to the houses with her free hand, "I know watch out for Santa you might see him" "really I might see Santa?" "there is a chance he might be flying around with the reindeers giving presents to all the good children" Harry says. You smile at how good he was with her, "wow look mummy look, why doesn't our house look as good as that?" she questions pointing to a house that is basically covered in Christmas lights and full of Christmas spirit. "Daddy couldn't put up as many this year, but we have our house still with lights" you answer, "there will be more up next year Darcy I promise" Harry softly says as you guys walk along still looking at the perfectly lit up houses. "I'm cold" Darcy starts to complain, Harry lifts her up in his arms, and she nestles her head in his neck getting sleepy already. "Darcy are you sleeping?" Harry asks just trying to annoy her and keep her awake. "no daddy" she tiredly responds, "look Darcy the reindeers" Harry shouts pointing to the sky, "where, where, where?" she quickly asks shooting up, looking at the sky, "didn't you see?" he softly asks, "no" she sighs, "well maybe you will see them later" Harry says, and she nestles her head back into Harry's neck, too tired to continue looking. You and Harry walked around a little taking the opportunity to just have a look at the pretty lights along with everyone before walking back to the car, Harry carefully places Darcy into her car seat, before you both hop into the car. "what's Santa bringing me this year?" Harry randomly asks, "Santa only comes to good boys" "I'm good" "yeah when sleeping" "no" "yes" "you're just jealous I'm on the nice list" "okay Harry what ever you say" you joke, Harry just smirks as he drives into the driveway. You take Darcy out of the car and carry her up to her room. You place her in the bed, "has Santa come yet?" she tiredly asks, "no sweetie go back to sleep" you whisper kissing her forehead and tucking her in. You walk out quietly and shut her door. You walk downstairs and Harry is wrapping gifts, "Harry I thought you wrapped them the other day?" "I forgot, can you turn around for a sec?" he asks, "erh okay" you respond and turn around, "you know this is why I do most the wrapping" you giggle, "sorry I forgot to wrap your gift, and Louis' birthday present for tomorrows dinner" "nice one Harry, why didn't he have a dinner tonight?" "he is having tonight with family and tomorrow night with friends and family who show up" Harry answers, "okay turn around now" Harry adds, you turn around and go sit next to him as he wraps Louis' gifts up. "What did you get me?" you ask, "nothin" "you got me nothing really?" "yep didnt have time to buy you anything" Harry smiles, "you just told me you forgot to wrap my gift" you laugh, "shhh I'm concentrating" he smirks, so you start to playfully poke him and annoy him, "stop" he whines trying to wraps the present. You don't stop and continue, he suddenly pushes the present away and tickles you, "no" you giggle and he continues as he playfully tickles you on the floor. He is hovering over you tickling you and you're just laughing away, being the tickling person you are. He stops and leans down and kisses you sweetly, "Merry Christmas" "it's not Christmas" "I wanted to be sweet" "well Merry Christmas for tomorrow" you sweetly reply kissing him quickly before sliding away from under him. You both put Darcy's presents under the tree before turning the light off and going to sleep.

"Mummy Daddy wake up it's Christmas it's christmas" Darcy tells jumping on your bed, "mm 5 more minutes" Harry sleepily requests, "no come on Santa came Santa came, come on" she insists, "Darcy 5 minutes" "daddy come on Santa might have gotten you something" she whines, Harry sighs, "we will be down in a second Darc" you say, she smiles and runs out, "Come on sleepy up we get" "but it's the only day I get to sleep in" Harry whines, "I know but you have a little girl eager to open her presents" you whisper, Harry sits up, "you're right, but first" he whispers and leans over and kisses you sweetly, "ewww" You hear Darcy sound, you and Harry pull away laughing, "Merry Christmas love" he chuckles, "Merry Christmas Harry" you respond and you both get out of bed and go downstairs. "Well Darcy what are you waiting for open your presents" Harry happily says, as you all sit around the tree, Darcy smiles opening the gifts from Santa before you and Harry hand her the gifts from you guys. She was very happy with what she got and hugged you both, "I got you something daddy" Darcy smiles and pulls out a poorly wrapped gift and hands it to Harry. "Thank you Darc" he says and opens up the gift, he laughed, "why are you laughing?" she asks cutely, "no reason I was wondering where my socks went, thank you sweetie it was very thoughtful of you" Harry chuckles trying not to laugh too much. Darcy then hands you a small box, "here mummy this is from me and daddy" she cutely says, you open it and find a very nice necklace, "thank you Darcy" you thank hugging her, "what about me?" "what about you Harry, you said you didn't have time to but me a gift" you joke, Harry gives you the, oh what ever look, before you guys hand each other your gifts while Darcy plays with her presents happily.

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