•My Pretty Baby•

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ATTENTION: I did not write this imagine, and I give myself no credit, credit to the owner is given. If you are the owner or if you know that the owner does not like others reposting her imagines, tell me so I can delete it.

credit and link is here for you to check out the real imagine:   https://full-of-buttah.tumblr.com/post/145347767307/harrys-imagine-youre-shy-and-think-the-boys

Harry's P.O.V

"Princess. C'mon, babe. They don't hate you" I tried to convince her. She shakes her head quickly and whimpers. Her hands are shaking and she is gripping my shirt tightly. "N-No. They h-hate me" She shakes her head and buries her face in my neck. She is clinging to me, arms around my neck, legs around my waist. My hands balance her under her thighs, keeping her close. A sigh escapes me. My heart breaks a bit, I mean she's shaking as a leaf. Her whimpers and whines haven't stopped and her face is still buried around my neck. "Princess. Let's lay down" I lay her on the bed gently and settle on top of her, holding my hand out, palm facing her. "Lay your hand on mine. Palm to palm" She looks confuse but does as told, our palms touching. "Look how tiny you are, princess. My pretty baby. So adorable" Her hands are so small and delicate, her fingers only coming to my mid-finger. Her body has stopped shaking, but her hands are still going. I lean down to her ear, whispering softly "So beautiful and perfect. My baby. My beautiful princess" My lips touch her neck softly and she shivers. She brings her other hand up and folds my fingers over her hand, my hand making hers disappear. She smiles softly. I smile back and a knock sounds at the door. (Y/N)'s eyes widen and she begins to shake all over again. "H-Harry they h-hate me. No nononono" She shakes her head and holds my hand tighter. "Baby. C'mon. Just stay with me" She nods and I rise, her immediately following and gripping my t-shirt in her tiny hands. They knock on the door again and I try to go quicker but (Y/N) is taking forever to move. When we finally reach the door, I swing it open to reveal Liam, Louis and Niall.They smile, as do I. "Hey guys!" I say excitedly. (Y/N) makes a quiet whimper behind me. "Where is (Y/N)?" Niall asks. I move out of the way revealing (Y/N), causing her to shriek and tear up, moving behind me again. They look concerned and step inside when I move aside. I flick my head to the living room and they catch my drift, moving away from us, pushing each other jokingly. (Y/N) hands grip my shirt tighter and I spin around prying her hands off. She cries out, absolutely terrified. My brows furrows. Why is she so scared? Tears are falling down her face quickly "Nononono" "My God, (Y/N)" I quickly pick her up, her legs immediately wrap around my waist. "We are going to the living room" She yelps. "NO! Please, H-harry" She begins to sob against my neck. My heart snaps in two. The boys look up worriedly. Liam mouths 'Is she okay?' I sigh and sit on the couch across from them, (Y/N) still crying and clinging to me. Louis slowly stands and my eyes widen but he shushes my objections and slowly moves towards (Y/N). He slowly reaches out and touches (Y/N)'s shoulder. (Y/N) lets out a loud screech and sobs harder, clinging to me tighter. I hug her back just as tight. "Baby. Stop. They don't hate you, just turn around and talk to them" She shakes her head, but she needs to realize that they don't hate her. My hands grab her waist and slowly pry her off of me. She tries to cling to me but I hold her back. She makes these adorable grabby hands at me, while whimpering but I spin her around so we are chest to back. Liam, Niall and Louis look at her sadly. "(Y/N). Why do you think we hate you?" She shrugs and looks away. "Well, (Y/N). Please just understand we do not hate you at all" She nods but still looks wary and her head turns to look at me. "Can I snuggle you again?" She asks quietly and I nod as she spins around and clings to me again. I turn to look at the boys who look sad but when we finally just accept (Y/N) isn't coming around today.

When they begin to leave, I set (Y/N) aside to show them out. That was an event. (Y/N) wanted to continue to hold onto me but I had to pry her off. We say quick goodbyes and I apologize quickly, but they shrug it off. They shut the door behind them and I lean my head against it, tired. A quiet whimper behind me, has me turning around slowly. I look down to (Y/N) and she looks up. She really is tiny. Her head only comes up to my mid chest and it's adorable. So is her clinginess and shyness. No matter what, I wouldn't say change her a bit. She smiles shyly at me and I open my arms wide, causing her to smile wide and hug me around my waist. "I love you, princess" I say into her hair. She grins against my chest and mumbles back "I love you too, Hazza" I pull back and lean down to kiss her lips lightly. So what if she is incredibly shy. She's still perfect.

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