•Daddy is nervous•

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"Do you think she's warm enough?" Harry asked you, raising his voice over the crying, as he cradled a wailing, three month old Darcy to his chest, patting her back lightly in an attempt to soothe her. She was wrapped up in the fluffiest blanket you had managed to find.

"I think so," you said helplessly, flipping through an information book.

"Did you call the pediatrician?" he tried. "Shh, shh, it's okay, Darcy."

You nodded, running your hands through your hair. "She said to keep checking her temperature and keep her comfortable, and to try to get her to eat more. But I don't know what else to do!"

"When's the last time you took her temperature? She feels warmer to me," he panicked.

You glanced over at the clock on the oven. "Two hours ago or so."

Darcy coughed, a wet and raspy sound. Harry looked down at her, rocking and bouncing her lightly.

"Babe, we have to do something," he said helplessly.

"We can check her temperature again, and then I'll see if she wants to eat." You went to the bathroom for the thermometer, coming back out to the kitchen.

"Oh, no," Harry whispered, eyeing the infant thermometer in your hands. "Babe, I can't do it. I can't do that to my little girl."

You shook your head. "Harry, it's fine, she's fine," you tried to comfort him. "This gives the most accurate reading."

Harry looked at you, unsure, holding Darcy a little closer. "But, babe, do you know where it goes?"

You looked at him blankly. "Yes, I'm aware." You paused, as you could the anxiety on his face. "It'll be over fast, she'll barely feel it. This isn't any easier for me, either."

Harry pursed his lips, hesitating before nodding in agreement, gingerly taking Darcy from his chest, despite her cries of protest, and laying her down on her back, on the blanket on the kitchen counter. Gently taking off her diaper.

"Distract her," you told him, as you prepared the thermometer.

He bent over her so she could see him, humming and cooing to her. He cringed visibly, his heart clenching as you took her temperature, humming louder to her, as the cries got louder, until it beeped.

He quickly replaced her diaper with a clean one, scooping her back up on to his chest, trying to comfort her.

"Oh, baby, that was hard for Daddy," he murmured to her, trying calm himself down, returning to patting her back.

"It's 99.4," you reported. The doctor said not to worry unless it went over 100.4."

"Okay, okay," he said, taking a couple deep breaths, rocking gently as her cries slowed a little.

You fed her next, and that seemed to soothe her a little, her cries slowing to quiet whimpers. You handed her back to Harry, and she nearly feel asleep as soon as she was back on his chest, her eyelids drooping, and she coughed before yawning hugely. Harry smiled at her, before looking over you.

"I think we could all use a nap," you said. You and Harry had been up most of the night before, trying to get Darcy comfortable enough to sleep.

Harry nodded in agreement. Darcy was already asleep on his chest as you both climbed the stairs, stretching out and cuddling together on your bed, Harry keeping a hand on Darcy's back, as she finally slept. You dropped your head to his shoulder, feeling your eyelids getting heavy, looking over at Harry who was already half asleep, before your eye slid closed. 

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