•Coffee accident •

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Not mine!!!! 

credits to her;


You checked your phone. 7:30 am. You had 45 minutes to get from starbucks, across town to your job interview. You straightened out your shirt, waiting for them to call your name. Pulling out a small mirror from your handbag, you checked your hair making sure that each blond strand was perfectly pulled up in your bun and your blue eyes were lined perfectly.

"Ginny?" You heard a boy behind the counter call. As you picked up your drink, you gave a quick "thanks" and rushed outside.

You reached into your handbag again, searching for your phone as you felt a shove to your left shoulder knocking your drink out of your hand and a causing your coffee to spill down your shirt.

"What the-?" You looked up, ready to yell. You didn't have time for this.

"Oh my goodness, I am so sorry." You heard a deep voice say. You turned to your left seeing a tall boy with dark curly hair, his eyebrows furrowed together. The expression on his face said that he was obviously apologetic.

You studied his face. He had big green eyes and full pink lips which were currently pulled into a slight frown, he looked farmiliar but you brushed it off. He was attractive though, very attractive.

"No no no, it's fine" You replied, secretly fuming. The look of annoyance hadn't quite left your face and he picked up on that.

"I ... I'm really sorry." His face didn't ease up.

"Look, it's fine"

"No, it's not" He said, shaking his head slightly. "Let me at least buy you another drink. I feel so bad"

"That's really sweet." You gave half a smile. "But I have an interview to get to. I gotta find a place to change my shirt."

You secretly thanked god that you had brought an extra shirt in your handbag.

"My car is right around the corner, you can change in there if you want. The windows are pretty heavily tinted and it's the least I can do."

You gave it a little thought, weighing up the pros and cons before realising that you didn't have time for this.

"Alright." You said, letting him lead you to his car.

He opened the door for you, and then closed it as you climbed into the backseat. He waited outside, standing against the car. You noticed how suspicious the situation was but decided that he couldn't kidnap you with all the people around. You furrowed your brow, there was QUITE a crowd around. More than usual. More than was normal. As you fnished changing your shirt, you noticed that the boy was out there signing autographs for the now rapidly appearing crowd of people.

You grabbed your journal out of your bag scribbling a quick

"Thanks for the help"

on a piece of paper and placing it on his dashboard, thinking that you wouldn't get the chance to thank him. You climbed out of the door on the side of the road, quickly checking for traffic before crossing the street. You made it about thirty metres down the street, before feeling another shove, this tiem to your right shoulder.

"Jesus chr-" You started before you realized who it was.

It was the boy from before who had somehow managed to catch up to you. He ran into the nearest shop, motioning for you to follow. You rolled your eyes before deciding that you were going to be late anyway, so you might as well talk to him.

You went into the shop, which was some sort of indie clothing store and he stood there smiling.

"Hi" he said, he looked a little dorky but you couldn't help but admit that he looked adorable. "I'm Harry by the way"

"Hi Harry, I'm Ginny and I have an interview to get to."

He chuckled a little. "I know, I just didn't want you to run off without me being able to apologise."

"You've already apologised"

"No, I meant for the crowd. It was so rude of me to not introduce myself earlier and I shouldn't have signed those autographs while you were there, it's just that the fans get a bit crazy" He shrugged.

You now remembered where you had seen him before.

"It's fine, honestly, it must be tough, being in a boyband and all"

He smiled, looking almost proud. "Yeah, we're playing a show tonight, you should come" His eyes lit up excitedly.

"I don't know if I can, plus I'm a bit broke at the moment."

"Don't worry, if you come, I'll put you on the VIP list"

You smiled warmly. "I'll see how I go but I have to get to the train station" You walked towards the door.

"Wait" Harry said pulling a flyer out of his pocket. "Here, it has all the details on it"

You took the flyer, thanking him and making your way outside. You looked at the flyer closely.

It had the address of the venue and the time that the doors open. You flipped the flyer over, seeng something scribbled on it in pen. You smiled, realizing that he had to have written it while you were in the car.

There was a phone number and underneath was written:

"Hey beautiful, hope you can make it to the show, sorry about the coffee. Call me x"

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