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Imagine written By Izzy not me x

Her fingers lightly glide along his arm, tracing along his slim fingers before she glides up again, his skin now masked by a spate of chills.

Her body is intertwined with his, her cheek pressing softly against his bare chest, staring into her darkness. Every minute she seems to huddle closer into his body, running her cheek soothingly across his chest.

With Harry, Y/n feels so normal. She feels like she can live a life where love has no labels. She knows their love is rare, and it's an experience none of them had expected. It's almost like a forbidden love, almost like it isn't supposed to feel right, but it does. It feels more than right, almost too right. It feels like pure ecstasy, even the heat radiating off of his body is enough to intoxicate her.

Harry moves his face to the side, his nose burying in her hair as he inhales the fumes of her vanilla shampoo she uses every night. The scent is like a comfort for him, a way to transport him to another state of mind. She is home to him, his escape from reality, his source of positivity. Being around her is different from everybody else he's encountered. She's real, no mask to cover who she is, not a trace of fraud in who she is. Every bit of her is real, and he can't get enough of it.

"You're so beautiful, Harry" Y/n whispers so easily, she doesn't even think about it before she speaks the words.

Harry's chest tightens, because she doesn't know. She doesn't know the dimentions of his face, how far apart his eyes are, or how big his nose is. She doesn't know the way his eyes tighten when he's in his most vulnerable moment. She doesn't know the way he looks at her when she's asleep next to him, and she's the only thing he can think about. She doesn't know how he nearly tears up whenever she tells him she loves him, or when they're making love. She doesn't know. How could she know?

"Y/n, you don—"

"I know, Harry. I know I can't see you, but I can feel you. I can feel you move. I can feel you breathe. I can feel you blink, and it gives me a feeling I can't even explain. I don't feel this—this thing I didn't even know existed with anybody else, and the feeling is so beautiful, Harry. It's the most beautiful feeling I could ever feel. I can't see you, but you have to be beautiful. You have to be. Because only someone so beautiful could cause such an indescribable feeling."

Harry begins to cry, tears spilling over the edge, but he doesn't bother wiping them. Not now, not because of this.
Harry turns his head, away from her, closing his eyes so that he can feel it. He always felt it, but he never felt it without seeing it. But now he feels it, the numbness in his fingertips, the pace of his heart, the unevenness of his breathing, the feeling of her touches lingering in each spot she lets go.

"Your heart is beating fast."

It's then she smiles, her nails scraping the skin of his chest.

Maybe he is right. She may not know everything about him, and she may not know his specific movements and his features. But she doesn't care, because even though she only sees him the way she sees everything else, he is still the light of her life.


I love this one so much,Izzy is just great,I'll post another one for a proof;

Heres the link:


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