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not mine, I DON'T GIVE MYSELF CREDIT. I DID NOT WRITE THIS. THE TUMBLR BLOG  weyheypster   wrote it.

miranda kerr is soooo beautiful,honestly, she's gorgeous.


You and Harry had always been a little reckless with your sex life. There were just times when you needed to have each other in that instant, so you'd find the nearest private place and get it out of your system before anyone could really notice, despite everyone knowing what you two did. You'd think that things would slow down with a kid around, but you couldn't find the willpower to stop yourselves from sneaking off if only for just a few minutes. Your son was growing into that age where he was aware of the fact that there was a certain thing called sex, but you guys hadn't explained the process of it to him yet. All of those things were in the very back of your mind, though, because you were currently in a shady supply closet with Harry, practicing the process itself. "Be quiet," he kept reminding you breathlessly, but you let a few yelps slip from you every so often, praying that each one would go unnoticed. Your prayers were obviously left unanswered because right as you were hitting your peak, the door swung open, making you squeeze your eyes shut from the burst of light. You kept your eyes closed, though, because of the all too familiar voice that screeched loud enough for possibly the whole stadium to hear, "Are you two canoodling?!" A very embarrassed laugh sounded from Harry's throat, his hands instantly yanking his pants back up and doing his belt shakily. "Let's give them some privacy, dear," Liam's girlfriend suggested between her fits of laughter, dragging your son away. You weren't quite out of earshot when you heard him say, "Dad's bum is repulsive, is mine going to look like that?" You were too embarrassed to even say a word as you searched for your discarded panties, tugging at your suddenly too-short skirt when you realized that they were nowhere to be found. "Harry, help me look for my panties," you pleaded, smacking his chest a little too hard. "And stop laughing, this isn't funny!" His laughter only escalated, nudging you once he'd located your undergarments. "I bet he learned the term 'canoodling' from Liam. Also, is my bum really that nasty?" From the looks of it, you weren't going to be off the hook for this mishap anytime soon. Not even by Harry.

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