•Our little girl•

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credits to geena x

"Babe, have you seen the sunscreen?" Harry called, looking around the hotel room for where the bottle of baby sunscreen had landed. You and Darcy had joined the boys for a few days in Los Angeles while they promoted the soon to be released new album.

"It's in my beach bag!" you called back from the bathroom, where you were adjusting your bikini in the mirror, tying your hair back in a ponytail.

Harry spotted the beach bag sitting on one of the chairs in the breakfast nook, and fished around until he found it.

"Okay, my love," Harry cooed to a ten month old, Darcy who was sat up on the bed in her red and white polka dot one piece bathing suit. She babbled happily up at him with a grin. Harry crouched down in front of her, handing her his phone in an attempt to keep her distracted. She held it between her chubby fingers, looking it over curiously, turning it over in her hands. She hated this part, so he had to be quick.

Harry squeezed some of the banana scented sunblock into his palm, rubbing it between his hands before smoothing it over her legs and arms.

She fussed a little, trying to squirm away from him.

"I know, sweetheart, I'm sorry," he apologized, as she continued to try and squirm away from his touch, her face scrunching up, her fussing increasing in volume. He moved to her face, massaging the lotion into her skin. He kissed her nose as he did this, and she dropped his phone in her lap to reach out towards him. He made a big show of taking her grasping fingers between his lips, and humming munching sounds.

Darcy giggled at him, taking his face between her palms and pulling his face closer to her, before puckering her lips and pressing them to his.

"Oh, well thank you," he cooed to her, as she smiled to herself. He peppered her little belly with nuzzling kisses, and she tumbled backwards onto the bed, her giggles echoing around the room, her tiny fingers grasping his hair.

Harry laughed at her stream of high pitched giggles. "You can't get away from Daddy's kisses!" he gushed, with a laugh.

"What are you two doing out here?" you wondered, with a grin as you stepped out of the bathroom, pulling on your cover up, gathering up your beach bag, sliding on your Ray-Bans, as Harry slipped on his own. "Ready?"

Harry scooped Darcy up, settling her on his hip. Harry pecked you on the cheek before taking your hand as you headed for the door. "Ready, love."


You stretched out on one of the pool chairs, soaking up the warm California sun, wiggling your bare toes. "Mmm," you hummed. You peeked over at Darcy who was sat up on a towel, on the pool chair next to you, shaded a little by a large umbrella, watching Harry who was splashing around the pool just a few feet in front of you. She had on Harry's Ray-Bans, that were a bit too big, and slid down a little on her nose, and a floppy sun hat, just a tad too big.

"What are you doing over there, Phelps?" you teased, sliding your sunglasses down the bridge of your nose a little, watching as Harry dove down under the water, coming back up a few seconds later, shaking out his now soaked curls, running a hand over his face to clear the water from his eyes.

He laughed. "Very funny."

The pool was fairly busy for the warm afternoon. You and Harry had noticed a group of fans that had gathered by the pool as you arrived, but so far, they had kept their distance.

Harry climbed out of the pool, droplets of water glistening against his skin in the sunlight.

"What are my girls doing over here?" he asked with a grin, sitting down at the end of your pool chair, rubbing your bare foot affectionately.

"Lounging," you sighed contently.

"Look at my little pool girl," Harry cooed to Darcy. He grabbed his phone, snapping a photo of Darcy in her sun hat and his sunglasses.

@Harry_Styles: My little lady. [twitpic]

"Do you want to go in the pool, Darcy?" Harry inquired, turning to Darcy who smiled at him, as he scooped her up, taking his sunglasses gently from her face, and sliding them on his own face, walking back over to the pool's edge. Darcy clung to him nervously, whimpering a little. "It's okay," he promised, with a reassuring kiss on the cheek.

He sat down on the edge of the pool, setting Darcy in his lap, holding onto her sides, and letting her little feet plunge under the surface of the water.

"What do you think?" Harry cooed.

She looked down at the reflective surface of the water, before kicking her feet wildly, giggling.

"She's so cute!" a girl's voice called, as she and a few other girls, swam over to them.

"Thank you," Harry said with a smile.

"We just wanted to say 'hi', we're really big fans," she continued, the other girls bobbing in the water next to her.

"Well, thank you for coming over. Are you having a nice time? It's a beautiful day."

The girls nodded. "Yeah, we are."

"Can you wave 'hello', sweetheart?" Harry cooed down to Darcy. He made a small waving motion, and Darcy copied his actions, waving her palm towards the girls.

The group of girls awed, thanking him, before swimming away.

Harry and Darcy splashed around the shallow end of the pool, Harry saying hello to a few more fans that saw them, and holding onto Darcy as she bobbed in the water, kicking her little legs. He noticed a few paparazzi hidden just outside the fence around the pool area.

"Hello," he called with a wave, before scooping Darcy up and walking back over to where you were thumbing through a magazine. He dried off a little with an extra towel, gently drying off Darcy's legs, before lying down on the pool chair next to you, settling Darcy in the crook of his body, draping the pool towel over her so she didn't get cold.

"How was it?" you asked, looking over from your magazine.

"Nice," Harry commented. "Not too cold."

You nodded. "That sounds good," you said, with a smile and returned to your magazine.

After a few quiet minutes, you looked up from what you had been reading.

"I'm going to grab a drink, babe, do you want-" you stopped short as you noticed both Harry and Darcy were fast asleep. Darcy's cheek pressed into his chest, head tucked under his chin. Harry's chin resting in on top of her head, his arms wrapped around her lightly, sunglasses sliding down his nose a little as he dozed, just beginning to snore lightly. You sat back down, admiring the two loves of your life, as content as could be.

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