Lets Separate Ourselves Tonight

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Days... months... years...

Two years since Loki's encounter with Laufey had flown by, he had grown, he hadn't filled out, but he was definitely bigger, this was on purpose as Laufeys threats to take him back wouldn't leave his mind.. His bond with his father had been destroyed ever since he had returned from Jotunheim, his mother obviously still loved him, he knew that from the way she looked at him. He would often pass her in the morning on the way to the Great baths were he would spend many hours in a deep relaxation, and many times he had noticed that she had been crying; her eyes were red and often bloodshot, the look she gave him would send chills into his heart, it was like she was looking at him for the last time, like she was taking in every single scar on his broken face. It hurt him deeply and worried him even more as there was a nagging question as to why she looked like this.

His relationship had been breaking apart with his brother, as much as he wanted to stop this he just couldn't, it was like Thor was avoiding him, he hadn't hugged his brother in so long and right now, the one thing he needed was to be held in his brothers warm iron grip. But it felt like Thor didn't want him there, he would seem to spend as little time as possible with him, always having excuses to get away which killed him inside. Without Thor, his life was meaningless and he didn't see a point in living without him. 

Recently he had noticed that there were many arguments, mainly between his mother and father, Odin's voice would often boom down the halls, Loki would sit on his bed, his stomach tightened every time he heard this as he knew they were arguing about him. But one day while he was walking to his room, he heard a noise which literally shattered his world, Thor was crying, he heard a sniffle come from his bothers room which made him stop, then after that, as he began to listen he heard his brother cry for the first time. His heart stopped, he didn't want to hear this; Thor was his support, if his brother wasn't strong then there was no way that he could be himself. 

He just knew that there was no way life would ever go back to the way it once was.

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