What Wouldn't I Do?

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"It seems Loki that you are unwilling to follow our command no matter what we do to you, perhaps if we hurt another, someone more important" with this he nodded and Thor was ripped out of loki's arms once more, Thor thrashed against the restraints that pulled him away. Loki had his back turned now but knew what was going to happen; they were going to hurt Thor like they had hurt him. This infuriated him more than anything else; they had no right to take Thor on account of him, he found strength in his brother’s embrace which allowed him to stand and face the giants "Laufey! Must it come to this? I submit! Do whatever you want to me! Just don't touch my brother! I do this not for anyone but the brother I love" he looked over at Thor, tears escaping his eyes as he realised what he was doing, he was giving up everything: His future! To save his brother’s life. But what did he care? He'd rather have Thor safe than himself. 

"So be it!" Laufey grabbed Loki by the hair and dragged him back to his cold, dark cell. Beside the pain Loki could hear Thor's screams in the distance as his brother was taken away again.

For the next hour Loki felt no emotion, he had nothing to give, he had just sold his soul to the devil. His thoughts were disturbed by the sound of his brother entering the cell next to his.

"Seeing as you were so cooperative boy, we figured you could spend the night with your brother."

"That is merely for your own entertainment" Loki replied calmly "You feed of pain and despair. Keeping us together will only prolong the grief and you know it" At this point Loki didn't really care, if worse came to worse tomorrow he wanted only to have memories of Thor by his side.

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