Jet Black Feeling

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When Thor walked in he couldn't see his brother but faint whimpers could be heard. Closing the door as softly as he could he followed the sound of what he presumed to be Loki, the sound led him around the bedmto the sight of his brother lay in a ball on the floor, the crutches were lay on either side of him, it was obvious hay he had tried to walk but failed. "Loki?" Thor whispered as he edged closer, trying not to startle him. "It's ok brother, I'm here" Thor gently lifted his brother onto the bed Loki to rest his head on his chest.

At this point, all Loki could do was cry. He had thought that Thor wouldn't return to him, he had become desperate and resorted in trying to use the crutches to get out of his chamber and go in search of his beloved brother. This had failed of course because Thor hadn't been there co comfort and support his weak frame, which resulted in his body giving in against his will. He had lay there all night and morning, sobbing on the floor. The rug was wet with his tears. Feeling childish he raught back his sobs and looked up. "Thor. I thoughtnyou weren't coming back! I - I thought... I was so scared"

Guilt grew Thor's body as he thought about all the thoughts that must have been running through Loki's mind at that time. "Brother I am so sorry! Father would not allow me to leave! But I have managed to postpone your memorial service until amweek after the original date. Now we have more time to prepare." Loki said nothing, he just burrowed his head into Thor's hair and took in the familiar scent of his brother, realising just how much he needed him.

Nothing was said from that point, tgor just sar on Loki's bed, his brother lay in his arms rocking back and forth. He hated himself for leaving Loki, he kew that he couldn't be there for him every second of the day but perhaps after he revealed that he had returned, he could spend mote time with him, that's if Odin would allow it. He hoped so at least. For now all he could do was comfort his brother more by stroking his head; Loki hadn't washed, he knew not when he had last and so his hair was greasy and matt by now, this didn't stop Thor as he only thought about his brother and not himself. "We need to get you clean" Loki looked up through tear stained eyes and nodded silently.

Loki wasn't too happy about having Thor help him bathe, it was an awkward situation for both of them but itnhad to be done. Thor felt uncomfterable as the full state of his brother was revealed; he was bruised badly from head to toe. There was dry blood on his legs where the beatings must have been more intense. "Oh Loki, if I could take revenge I would. But I'd fear for your life if I was to do so."

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